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Audio Resources

                    Making Meetings work

Meetings morning, noon and night. Nothing is as time consuming as meetings.
Entire weeks are lost in meetings and even more time is spent readying memos
and carrying out directives from those meetings. Very often soon after,
directions are changed almost instantly. If more meetings were held
standing up with no chairs available, there would be faster resolution, less
attendees and shorter time frames. There would also be less meetings, so...

Learn how to decide if you really need to meet at all, who should attend if you

 do and how to make sure they participate. Also included are the essential skills
of a good meeting leader; why you need an agenda and what it should include
 to ensure maximum productivity; room and seating arrangements that support
your agenda; techniques for taking useful notes; how to make your presentation
professional, concise and worthwhile; and finally, tips for handling large meetings
and events.

                       $29.00  Two cassette audio package

                       How To Turn Customer Service
                        Into An Ongoing Profit Center

Even though customer service has been at the top of all organization’s "to do" list,
 everyone still complains about it. It takes longer to get satisfaction, more contacts
to reach the right person, and most often very little satisfaction. With the advent
of e-commerce and more technology, it’s gotten even worse. There is less
personal contact and more barriers to breakdown down. In this age of
instant communication, speedy delivery and just-in-time inventory, we still continue to

wait weeks for delivery and longer for complaint resolution.

The only way to have customers return is to have a well-trained, empowered workforce.
 This program deals with the challenge of difficult customers, provides a customer service
delivery system and shows how to choose the right people and systems. It focuses on
establishing a lifetime relationship, tells how to provide continuous training and uses
TQM to create a stream of new customers. Customer service equals customer
 development, and this program provides you with jam packed tapes and a workbook
to help you on your quest for greater customer reward.

                 $59.00      4 cassette album with workbook

                     Business 2007 - Six Traits Of Success

Never before has there been so much instantaneous change in business.
New dot coms being incubated and more on-line resources being generated what
do regular brick and mortar retail and service businesses have to do to survive?
They have to be responsive, innovative, profitable, well managed and quick to
spot trends. They need to listen to their customers and understand how to develop
 a referral driven business. They also need to know how and where to invest their

resources for better research and returns.

If you want your business to be around past the year 2005, this cassette-package
is just what you need. Gayle teaches you the six key characteristics of successful
 businesses. You’ll learn to deal creatively with change and where to invest your limited
 dollars. Find out how to begin the process of turning customer service into customer
development, how to do things that will make your business prosper now and in the
 years ahead. This includes an eight page workbook to keep you on track.

Four cassette audio package with a workbook

                            The Leading Edge

With downsizing and a lean workforce a true reality; everyone is being asked to
 do more with less. It is important to understand that communicating in a confident
 manner is an important part of leadership. Part of that is the language you use
and the manner of delivery. In addition, building a winning team takes a lot of energy
 and dedication. Because of that, stress can result, and very often tempers get frayed,
people jockey for positions of advantage, and issues get blown out of proportion.

Included in this program are very important assertive techniques which will allow

you to better control any situation. You will also be able to identify the stresses in
your life and learn to deal with them in a positive manner. 

Assertiveness is merely making your point, standing up for your beliefs and moving
ahead with no harm to anyone. So it works hand-in-hand in letting your entire life
become better in work, home and leisure activities.

             $42.00   Three cassette audio package


    How To Energize Your Life And Make The Difference You Want

It feels good to feel great. No matter your age or your situation, you can put
the techniques in this program to work for you. Get up in the morning with
anticipation of a truly fulfilling day. Go through this day with the knowledge that
 you are living it the way you want to, doing the things that have meaning for you.
Find time for your friends, hobbies and the activities that are important to you
 and your family. Learn to control the things that seem overwhelming and how
 to say no without alienating everyone else.

Learn how to maintain a positive and healthy lifestyle, while meeting the challenges
 of every day life. Gayle used her affirmations and drive to get through eight operations
 and bounce back to a vigorous and fulfilling world of family, work and community
in an amazingly short time! A successful entrepreneur, she continues to deliver
 her inspiring messages to audiences around the world. Now YOU can’t advantage
of her simple, life-changing methods that will bring you greater joy, happiness
and contentment. Included is a step-by-step workbook.

Tape 1, Side1
Taking Control of Your Life
Tape 4, Side1
How To Find Time For Rest
and Relaxation
Tape 1, Side2
How To Conquer Stress
Tape 4, Side2
How To Put Fun Into Your Life
Tape 2, Side1
How To put Balance In Your Life
Tape 5, Side1
How To Make A Difference
Tape 2, Side2
How To Boost Your Productivity and Efficiency
Tape 5, Side2
How To Live Well
Tape 3, Side1
How To Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed 
Tape 6, Side1
How To Make An Impact
Tape 3, Side2
How To Set Limits Others Will Respect
Tape 6, Side2
The New You

                             $59.00    Six cassette audio package and workbook

                Let's Talk Business - Telephone Skills And Customer Relations

Courteous techniques involved in everyday phone use along with a common sense/no
 nonsense approach to dealing with the public.

This is a program that is appropriate for entry level, receptionists, etc. It gives basic tips for
handling the telephone, dealing with complaints, greeting people, taking messages and taking
 charge. You will also learn basic customer service skills that include your tone of voice, a
positive attitude, how to handle conflict, how you can complain yourself, and even how to
 increase your self-esteem.

                            $42.00    Three cassette audio package

         Time Management And Goal Setting

Time management still seems to be the biggest problem in the day of most people.
 In this easy-to-understand, practical program of time management, you will be given
techniques and hints showing you how to have a daily system to schedule all meetings, appointments, conferences - both on a personal and professional level. A "how-to-manage
-your-life" for better balance.

Everyone has 24 hours in a day and seven days in a week. However, some people do
a better job of managing those hours and days than others. You need a system and
you need to follow it. There is no magic answer. There is simply discipline and persistence.
You need to have goals that are set and a plan to back them up. You must learn to
 delegate and have a process in place that works. Simple changes will improve
your life dramatically. There is no silver bullet but there is a better way and this is it.

The Time Management audio is entitled Making Time Work for You. Practical,
every day time management techniques to make you more productive and effective.

                          $75.00    Video Tape
      $12.00    Audio Tape

    "Communication Cash: How To Earn Fame & Fortune As A Professional Speaker"

If you’re a professional speaker, an aspiring one, a doctor, lawyer, dentist, etc., who
would like to promote your business with talk programs and seminars - this tape album
 is what you need NOW. The most complete album ever done on the subject. It’s
packed with real world, how-to-information. In less than three years, Randy Gage
built a speaking empire with lifetime residual income. Gayle has presented programs
for clients in over forty countries around the world. This training album teaches you
exactly how they did it.

                           $99.00    Eight cassette audio package

                                           Creating A Winning Image

Never before has image played such an important part in your career path. With
"Casual Fridays" a reality and the relaxed atmosphere of the tech office edging into
the workplace in an ever growing manner, most people are confused as to what is
"correct." This is an easy way to feel "appropriate" no matter what you have on.
Casual, business or after-five doesn’t matter. Applying the techniques in this program
will make you feel and look confident wherever you go and whatever you do.

Very similar in nature to our winning video, the format is strictly for women. It includes
 how to have a basic wardrobe, identify "your" colors, accessorize, apply makeup correctly,
as well as diet and exercise tips. Included with this program is a workbook so you can work
 along with the instructional tapes. You will learn how many points to wear at one time as
well as how many colors can work together, interesting and informative, you will be amazed
at how quickly you will put the interesting tips to work.

                             $25.00   Two cassette audio pack


Register to Win a FREE coaching session with Dr. Gayle Carson, for you or a friend!

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Register to Win a FREE Day at the Spa for you and a friend. SOBs need to take some time for themselves have a little fun. Register to win a Free afternoon at the spa, courtesy of the SOB.

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SOB Parties!
   Coming to
      a town
   near YOU!


"Gayle has nuggets of wisdom that are essential to living and leading a successful life.  Whether you're an S.O.B. or young at heart, you need a dose of what she has to offer.  Her tips will move you forward in reaching your goals.  Gayle is an inspiration to women everywhere."

 Debbie Bermont,

"You show women how you've dealt with all the crises in your life.  I also admire the assertiveness you've shown, but most of all, it exemplifies how your persistence over the years really pays off."

       Sara Baker,
Registered Nurse

"I always thought that changing my life was impossible, but you showed me how to change my thoughts and therefore move on to a better place.  I can't thank you enough for everything positive that has happened to me since then."

      Susan Brown,