The Baby Boomer Years! They were supposed to be our golden years where everything is just keen and peachy. Now there seems to be another ache or pain every time we wake up.
Staying healthy isn’t easy, but it’s all worth while. By following some basic principles, things will fall into place. And even if there is some major catastrophe, being in strong mental and physical shape helps in dealing with it. Strength body wise and the right “head thinking” gives you a success rate far greater than others.
So here are some tips:
1. Take all medication on time every day and monitor body functions that you need to. Don’t ignore what the doctor says just because you think you feel better.
2. Use appropriate supplements to bolster your immune system. Be sure they don’t interfere with any of the medications you are on.
3. Move every day. Swimming and walking are the two easiest things on your joints. Weight training can be done in a seated position if necessary. You can move shoulders, ankles, the neck and stretch your arms and torso without too much trouble.
4. Keep your mind sharp. Do puzzles, learn a new skill, try a computer game, but learn something new every day. With the speed of change we have today, it shouldn’t be hard to find something you don’t know.
5. Hang around positive people. You won’t have any trouble finding people who will tell you what you can’t do. Find those who will tell you what you can—even if they’re under the age of eight. They believe you can do anything!
6. Appreciate what you do have. You may not be as fast or energetic as you were at 30, or you may be even better. Many people are actually healthier, saner and more at peace than back in their early days.
7. Lastly, many times wellness is a state of mind. If you think you are healthy, live your life the way you want, are mentally alert and inquisitive, enjoy the people around you and they enjoy you, you have achieved wellness.
Baby Boomers Unite! Happiness has no age limits, so why not spend your time the best way you can in the most extraordinary manner enjoying fantastic people, places and health. The fact that you are active and involved does as much for you as anything else.