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Where did the term Spunky Old Broad come from?  Well, there were three of us sitting in the back of a room making some noise we shouldn’t have and not paying attention to what we should have.  As we were giggling away, I said--“Well, that’s because we just a bunch of S.O.B.’s—Spunky Old Broads” and the phrase was born.


I must confess that it was a young man who added the three little words—“who kick butt.”  And most of us do.  We wear the badge with honor and pride and are very careful to guide other women (both young and mature) into the world of over 50 women who can be and do whatever it is they wish.


How fortunate that I have been able to gather around me a cadre of women who have accomplished a great deal, take ownership of their mistakes and accomplishments and who continue to amaze me with their perception and wisdom.  That is why I want to invite you to become one of us.


If the word “old” or “broad” offends you, then you are probably not ready for this group.  I know that several women have said they are neither, and don’t want to be considered that yet.  I truly understand where they are coming from and appreciate their feelings.  However, the women I know who are part of this movement, are truly S.O.B.’s in every way, shape and form.


If you feel you have more to accomplish, are not being recognized or appreciated, and want to break out of the “old” mold,  and know in reality you are a Spunky Old Broad, then think about the following.


There is only one you.  You are entitled to your thoughts, opinions and ideas.  You know what makes you tick and feel happy.  You can operate on your own terms and decide who enters your life.  You can wake up each day and decree what steps you are going to take and how your day will play out.


You can never be replaced.  The things you do may be performed in a different way by someone else, but your uniqueness will never be duplicated.  That is why it is so important to be true to your own ideals, thoughts decisions, idiosyncrasies and ethics.


You are the best and have the opportunity to make a dynamic impact on the world.  To all of you, I dedicate this movement and hope you get comfort, inspiration, applause and reaffirmation from us. 


The world is a much better place with you in it!





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"Gayle has nuggets of wisdom that are essential to living and leading a successful life.  Whether you're an S.O.B. or young at heart, you need a dose of what she has to offer.  Her tips will move you forward in reaching your goals.  Gayle is an inspiration to women everywhere."

 Debbie Bermont,

"You show women how you've dealt with all the crises in your life.  I also admire the assertiveness you've shown, but most of all, it exemplifies how your persistence over the years really pays off."

       Sara Baker,
Registered Nurse

"I always thought that changing my life was impossible, but you showed me how to change my thoughts and therefore move on to a better place.  I can't thank you enough for everything positive that has happened to me since then."

      Susan Brown,


Why The S.O.B. Should be your coach S.O.B. Power Products The Original S.O.B. Free Stuff for S.O.B.'s

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Copyright Gayle Carson
2957 Flamingo Drive
Miami Beach, Florida, USA 33140-3916
(305) 534-8846, Fax (305) 532-8826
[email protected]