Free Stuff for S.O.B.'s
You are Never Too Old to
be a Spunky Old Broad
As Featured on Living Your Personal Best
Gayle Carson
is a three-time cancer survivor and refused to succumb
to the belief that she was too ill to take the best possible care of
herself. She has proven time and again that it is not only possible but
worth the determination to get and stay in shape. She made this a priority
within her incredibly busy business career where she reached the highest
level of achievement in the consulting and speaking industries. She still
runs several businesses and today she turns 69. She shares her birthday
with us in celebration of her success and of the virtues of a healthy
lifestyle. She calls herself a Spunky Old Broad and she is living proof
that you are never too old to get moving.
Click below to listen to the show
(An Ed Block intro will play before the show

Women In Business Radio
The S.O.B. Attitude And Spirit
If you wake up with a smile on your face, joy in your heart
and energy and enthusiasm in your step you’re one of us.
If you pull yourself along with sleepiness in your body,
despair in your soul and no one to share with, then you
need to become one of us...
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The Fit And Fabulous S.O.B.
There are guidelines to everything. Information for
mammograms, colonoscopies, standard blood tests, calorie
amounts, and types of exercise are so numerous, I don’t
need to go over them here. What I do need to do is highlight
the fact that you must practice utilizing what’s out there
so you can lead a FIT AND FABULOUS life...
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Your S.O.B. Uniqueness
Don’t let others judge you. Live your days the way you want
to. You’re entitled to your thoughts, opinions, ideas,
judgments, choices and lifestyle. You wake up each day
determining how you’re going to spend it...
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S.O.B Power Relationships
Who do you count as your best friends male or female?
I’m sure that everyone is different with a different
perspective but they also have your best interest at heart.
Who are the people you can share anything with who won’t
judge you?...
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Energizing Your Life
Do you have the energy you want?
Do you feel as fit as you’d like to be?
Can you walk upstairs without getting winded?
Do you wish your muscles were stronger and your
tummy tighter?...Read
Supercharging Your Personal Growth
The more you know, the less you know.
I am sure that’s how you sometimes feel.
You must ask yourself the following question.
What do I need to get myself excited, enthused,
optimistic and in a discovery mode?...Read
Taking And Keeping Control
You are never too old to do anything you want to do,
become who you’d like to be, meet the man of your choice,
become financially secure or take the world by storm.
It’s yours for the asking...
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Being A Balanced S.O.B.
I know that you have heard gobs about balance wheels
where you look at your life and all the components in it.
Normally there are six to eight different areas positioned
on the wheel financial, career, family, education, leisure,
community, spiritual and health...
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The S.O.B. Plan For Daily Living
Pay attention to what you want!
Identify what’s important for you to get done.
Make that the number one first significant activity
of your day...
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Stop The Aging Process
That makes a great headline, but
how do you actually do that?
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Building Lasting Relationships
The most important element in building strong
relationships is learning to think like the other person.
In other words, the more you are like them, the more
they will like you.
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Control Pounds And Inches
Let’s get the basics of this down
first. Pounds have
to do with eating, and inches have to do with exercise.
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Being Assertive And Still Surviving
Have you ever been called “a
pushy broad” or something
less attractive. Many women find themselves in
the position
of being looked down on when they open their mouths and
to get themselves heard.
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Hanging Around Positive People And All
That Stuff
Did you know that five minutes of
negative thinking takes 24
hours to recover from? Just think about all the
people you’ve
been hanging out with? Do they sap your energy? Do they
you tired just thinking about them and their problems?
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Our Success Guidelines
Some of you are probably thinking it’s a little late to be
about success. Spunky Old Broad’s never think it’s too late.
In fact, they’re always mixing it up a little bit so no one takes
them for granted
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How To Challenge Yourself
You are your own biggest
critic. Therefore you are also
your biggest cheerleader! In order to
make a big racket,
you have to ask yourself to do something outside of
comfort zone.
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Structuring Your Life The
Way You Want It
I recently came back from speaking to a group of 50 plus
And I was amazed how many were still fighting the “glass ceiling”
syndrome--at least in their own minds.
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Finding Time For R & R
The definition of “rest and relaxation” depends on you.
Vacationing may be relaxing for you, or it could be stressful,
depending on your likes and dislikes.
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Where did the term
Spunky Old Broad come from?
Well, there were three of us sitting in the back of a room
making some noise we shouldn’t have and not paying attention
to what we should have.
Why Is Image So Darn Important
For so
many years in the modeling business, image was
my primary focus. When I left the business, I thought
some of that would disappear
Will The Real Spunky Old Broad
Stand Up?
Being real has always been my motto throughout my
entire life. The other one I have always believed in is
“Be the Best You Can Be.”
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To get your way in anything, you have to know
and understand
the players. That’s why it’s so important to know other
personality styles.
teleseminars are fun, exciting, and
and are held once a month from 7 to 8 p.m. If you can't attend, they are
recorded and you can download them by MP3’s.
You help us design these seminars by letting us know what you need
answers to and we make it happen .
Register for our classes
and we will put you on our list so we can use your ideas for the show! |