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"9 Secrets To a Total S.O.B Makeover for  Women"

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For so many years in the modeling business, image was my primary focus.  When I left the business, I thought some of that would disappear.  And although styles are different, lifestyles vary, and the Internet has allowed us to work from home a majority of the time, people do base who you are by what you look like—whether you want them to or not.


As you probably know by now, people form an impression of you in the first 30 seconds of meeting you.  One of the decisions they make is whether or not they will listen to what you have to say.  Unfortunately, you can spend the rest of your life trying to change their perception of you or you can make sure your image is right in the first place.


I am often amazed by how styles vary from one area of the country to another.  Since I live in a warm, casual, comfortable area, when I go up north, I am always surprised how dark and formal everyone is.  On the other hand, even in the department stores here, people are dressed in black.  The specialty stores are a little more “kicky.”


The most important accessory of all is your smile of course, so keep that on as much as possible.  Another part of your image is your posture.  Since many women stoop as they get older because of poor bone density and osteoporosis, make sure your posture communicates health, vigor, alertness and interest. 


Don’t slouch, fidget or pick at yourself.  Gestures should fit your words and thoughts, not occur randomly.  Don’t ever cover your face and putting your hand near your mouth when you’re speaking is especially detrimental. 


Look at people directly to establish rapport and credibility.  Don’t stare at people but do look into their eyes when you speak to them.   Make sure your voice has authority and use variety, tone, assertive words and careful enunciation and pronunciation to suggest you know what you’re talking about.


It doesn’t take a lot of money to look terrific—it just takes a sense of style.  If you don’t do a good job of that, surely you have a friend who does.  Take her shopping with you and have her also go through your closet ahead of time.  This way, she’ll know what you need and be able to put great separates together.


If you’ve kept your figure, you might even have some items that are ancient.  Spunky Old Broads know that what was old is very often new again—just like us!  When people say “You look great!”  that’s when you know your image is working.  Just keep it up with your entire presentation, and you’ll be as solid as gold.





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"Gayle has nuggets of wisdom that are essential to living and leading a successful life.  Whether you're an S.O.B. or young at heart, you need a dose of what she has to offer.  Her tips will move you forward in reaching your goals.  Gayle is an inspiration to women everywhere."

 Debbie Bermont,

"You show women how you've dealt with all the crises in your life.  I also admire the assertiveness you've shown, but most of all, it exemplifies how your persistence over the years really pays off."

       Sara Baker,
Registered Nurse

"I always thought that changing my life was impossible, but you showed me how to change my thoughts and therefore move on to a better place.  I can't thank you enough for everything positive that has happened to me since then."

      Susan Brown,


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Copyright Gayle Carson
2957 Flamingo Drive
Miami Beach, Florida, USA 33140-3916
(305) 534-8846, Fax (305) 532-8826
[email protected]