Learn why people call me the
"Spunky Old Broad"
Dear All Women Over 50,
My name is Dr. Gayle Carson (Gayle) and people call me the Spunky Old Broad.
Here is why.
All of my life I’ve been extremely energetic -- always doing many things at once and loving every minute of it.
At the age of 74 that's still true.
Today, people marvel at my energy, attitude, enthusiasm and drive. They are always asking me where I get it from and why I keep moving at such a fast pace. When I begin to explain why, they stare at me with a dazed look, thinking I’m either crazy or from another planet.
But, then -- almost to a person -- they say I motivate the heck out of them.
For example -- at the gym, where I spend 2 hours every day I’m in town, much younger people won’t stop working out in the class when they see me still going strong.
Many of my friends have pains and complaints and don’t seem to get a great kick out of life.
In contrast, I love my life -- despite 16 surgeries, the loss of my husband and son, breast cancer three times, and the daily pain I have. The reality is, I'm getting such a kick out life, I don't even think about these things unless someone else brings them up.
That’s because “What’s the point?” Complaining won't make things any better so why bother?
Bottom line -- people always see me with a smile, having positive thoughts and getting true joy from living, so the "Spunky Old Broad" was born about five years ago.
Since then I get a lot of people saying to me -- "Well, it's easy for you?"
Hello?? --- I don't think so. 16 surgeries, 3 bouts of breast cancer, etc., etc. -- I wouldn't call that easy.
But, here's the key --- loving life has become a habit for me, so it looks easy ...
... and, it can become a habit for you.
How? --- by letting me be your personal coach.
Over the last several years, I have developed a "No-Regrets Plan" that every single woman over 50 can easily follow.
I have drilled down to a very simple way of living your life so that you experience the health, wealth and joy that you deserve and want.
Now, I want you in my life and I want you to live your ideal life.
I believe it is never too late to live your dream, be who you
want to be, and create and do whatever you want to do.
I meet incredible women over 50 every day who are doing fantastic things and creating an impact in business, their community and life -- and I want to help you do the same.
Committed to having all women over 50 live a regret-free life,
Gayle -- Spunky Old Broad
P.S. One of the best things about being called the Spunky Old Broad is that it allows me to get away with a lot of things. I just tell them I'm the S.O.B. and they leave me alone. Living a regret-free life is an attitude, a way of living, a way of being and a philosophy of life. And I’m loving every minute of it.