Life can get complicated, even when we think we know all the answers. People can ignore you, not listen to what you have to say or even make your feel guilty if you refuse to do what they want.
I know just how you feel because I’ve been there. After 5 decades of business success, I was hit with a 10 year span of unbelievable challenges. I had built a business from nothing to 7 offices and 350 people. I sold that and embarked on a magical speaking and consulting career with 1000 clients in 50 industries. I worked in 50 countries and 49 states. Then I co-founded an internet information marketing association and now, I am working with boomer women and beyond on the joy of living.
During this time, I raised three children, helped my husband develop a real estate business and volunteered and led many professional and community organizations.
I had a wonderful life. Sure, I worked hard and rewards came, and those little “tests” that the universe presents us with, were blessings in disguise because it made me stronger and more flexible. And everything continued to grow and prosper.
Along the way, I collected many honors, met famous people, stayed in luxurious places and even hosted international radio shows, put on beauty pageants with Larry King, George Hamilton and Dick Van Patten as MC’s, and appeared in major publications and on the major networks.
And then----everything changed. In a 10 year period, I lost a son, a husband, had my third case of breast cancer, custody of a grandchild, and my 16th surgery. To make it even worse, almost to the day my husband died, the real estate market collapsed.
Although I am still going through all the trials and tribulations associated with that, people kept remarking that I always seemed happy and had a smile on my face. They questioned why I wasn’t depressed or feeling sorry for myself.
To me, it was simple. You have choices in life, and mine was to be happy. When people asked me how I did it, I proceeded to explain—and of course, I got the usual response……”easy for you!”
What I discovered after writing everything down was that all my notes led to 9 steps. The best part was these 9 steps can be followed by anyone who wants to have a regret free life. You might not believe it right now, however, I would like to share a few thoughts with you.
These steps changed my life and my goal is that they change yours as well. I could have crumbled up and succumbed to what life gave me however I used it as an opportunity.
One of the first areas I noted that I spent time on was attitude. Some people call it mindset. Even though you’ve lived a wonderfully productive life, sometimes there are just people, incidents and circumstances that envelop you and get you down.
Your attitude and spirit is the basis for who you are and how you act. And you sure can’t let others control you or how you live. Part of that is being able to say no—like you mean it! If you don’t want to baby sit, or you’d rather not go to that “special” restaurant for dinner, speak up.
When you greet people with your special smile and excitement in your voice, they will pay attention.
We give you the exercises to practice allowing your attitude and spirit to shine.
· Did you know that 5 minutes of negative thinking takes the body 24 hours to recover from?
· Did you know that everyone experiences 100 abrasive incidents a day. That’s 3000 a month!
· Did you know that for every negative withdrawal you have, you must make 5 positive deposits.
Another secret is to take and keep control. Not only will you discover how to take charge of any situation but you will also understand how to acknowledge interruptions and control them. If you don’t manage your day, someone else will.
How many times do you get to the end of the day and feel you haven’t accomplished anything. It should be your decision what you do with your time and energy. We’ll show you how.
· Did you know that if you save 30 minutes a day, you will have an extra 22 days at the end of the year?
· Did you know that your first hour of your day should be the most productive?
· Do you know what life balance really means?
Or what about being fit and fabulous? There’s no reason that when you hit that magic age, you still can’t be fantastic. My being fit got me through 16 surgeries, chemo and radiation with no ill effects. I even had my bunions done at the same time! Yes, I lost my hair but I was never sick or tired and continued to work throughout.
You know Dr. Oz says “There are 3 things that prevent aging. One is diet, two is exercise and three is having a purpose. We discuss all the various forms of exercise and diet you can enjoy, and make sure the direction your life is taking, is the one you want. You can’t go for your dreams if you don’t feel good or have the energy. So being fit and fabulous is part of your daily plan.
· Is stress good or bad? Why do some people work best under pressure?
· Energy and enthusiasm should be a part of every day for you. We show you how.
· Discover how to have a smile on your face each and every day.
Or have you discovered your uniqueness. Just like two snowflakes are not alike—neither are you like anyone else. You have all these marvelous attributes that make you who you are.
There are so many things we want to share with you and these are just a few of the things you will learn. This is your time to be exactly who you want to be and accomplish all the dreams still inside of you.
· Do you think it’s time to re-invent yourself but don’t have the spare minutes to sit yourself down and think about it?
· Are you feeling lonely even though you’re surrounded daily by people, family, activities and projects?
· Do you feel sandwiched between your elderly parents and your older children still living at home?
· Does your entire day disappear in front of your eyes?
· Do you have enough “moxie” so say NO when it counts?
· Are you feeling invisible when you walk down the street or into a room?
Why don’t you join me on this marvelous journey to “The 9 Secrets of Living Regret Free and Feeling Alive at Any Age.”
So let’s go through them, one at a time……
#1 Attitude and Spirit
We know that your mindset has to be right for you to live a life without regret. So here are some of the things we will cover….
· How to deal with the stressors in your life and that means you will have less tension and more productivity
· Improve your energy and that means you’ll attract more of the kind of people you want in your life
· How your smile will keep you from getting more upset and more tense
#2 Fit and Fabulous
We are aware that the benefits to being healthy and a lifestyle of wellness pays off with big dividends……..
· How you can eliminate one pound a week by eliminating 500 calories a day from your diet
· How choosing the right amount of colors and points will give you the appearance you want, and that means you will get the job you want, meet the people you like and leave the impression you want
· How to keep moving through any aches and pains
#3 Uniqueness
Most people don’t think they’re unique. But I know you are……
· I know it sounds scary, but see how writing your own obituary will enlighten you
· How asking your best friends your best points will amaze and surprise you
· How to pinpoint the one thing that makes you stand out from everyone else and that means you are special
#4 Energizing Your Life
I believe everyone should wake up with a smile on their face and go to sleep in peace. In this CD you will……
· See how your vivaciousness and interest instinctively draw people to you so that you will be considered the influencer of the group
· Why discovering what you love to do will make all the difference in how you live your life
· Why not watching TV or reading the media can benefit your health
#5 Power Relationships
I know you’re aware that everyone is supposed to be just six degrees away from Kevin Bacon. Well even if you don’t have a high level job or are the King or Queen of Society, you can have power relationships……
· Where all your power relationships come from and why
· Why honest feedback draws people to you
· How making a list of the people you know will reveal your “secret” power relationships
#6 Personal Growth
I don’t have to explain this to you if you are reading this, so let’s look at what you get……
· Why keeping your mind active and alert is important for your mental and spiritual growth
· How using the Internet for more than social media can strengthen your mind
· Why teleseminars and webinars lead to more knowledge than you can imagine and this means you can get an entire college education for almost nothing
#7 Taking and Keeping Control
You must control your life if you want to change it. So this CD will show you how to…..
· To save 30 minutes a day to gain 22 hours at year end
· Prioritize so that you get the most important things done first
· Start a time log so you’ll know where you day goes and what you’re really doing
#8 Balance
Everyone talks about balance, but how many people practice it. Are you one who does?
· See why the same balance doesn’t play to everyone
· How to live life on your terms and not anyone else’s
·What you need to know to find your “happy” place
#9 Plan for Daily Living
It all comes down to having a plan. Whether it’s in business or your personal life, you need a plan…….
· Learn how to do your best work every time
· Find out what your real goals are
· Put together your blueprint for life
Just look at what you get……….
·10 CD’s, a complete book an action guide, and transcripts of all the CD’s so you can not only hear the program, but see it as well.
And if that isn’t enough, we give you two bonuses…….
· BONUS # 1—you get two 30 minute coaching sessions with me valued at $1000.
· BONUS # 2—My 7 CD set of “The Healthy You” which is all about diet and nutrition with the leading experts in the industry interviewed by yours truly. And this is valued at $197
· That’s $1197 worth of bonuses—more than the entire program and you still get the wonderful program for only $997.
So, if this sounds like something that will help you lead the regret free life you deserve, click on this link right now.