Ethics and Leadership Retreat from your SOB

22nd March, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth of July everyone. I have had a whirlwind 7 days so far, and I am at the Chautauqua Institution for the week on Ethics and Leadership, two topics very close to my heart. For those of you who don’t know anything about the Institution, it’s where lectures began in the late 1800’s. It is well known for art, politics, dance, music etc and each week has a different theme. I am here with my sister and brother-in-law and we have heard from some distinguished people so far including David Brooks, of the NY Times and the Lehrer Report.

To change the subject, last week I saw Joan Rivers Life Story, and I must says she reminded me of me because she is driven and sometimes does 4 or 5 engagements in a day. I think she’s a little raw, but she is very intelligent. I had my picture taken with her about two months ago, and she was most humble and considerate. She also told me three times she “loved my jacket” and made me feel terrific. I think the main thing she wants is to leave a legacy and be remembered, and that’s what we all want in our own way.

Then I gave a speech to my local business networking group and it went very well. Hopefully they all learned a lot from what I talked about and will find a need for my services eventually. I also was tapped for a reality show, and although the appeal was there for me to do it, I didn’t want to invite my family into the world of being followed and interviewed which is what it would have entailed. So my foray into fame and fortune was quashed and I will have to depend on all of you to make me famous.

Anyway, it was a very emotional day yesterday with all the patriotic music and military bands that are here, and I found myself missing my husband even more. But I know he’s watching me and thinking that I haven’t missed a beat. But the beat I miss most is his.


Question and Answer:

Q: It is really getting warm now and I don’t know what’s proper or not at my age. Do I wear panty house, can I wear shorts, do I dare put on a halter top? Help!

A: As I always say, “it depends.” What do you look like? Good legs and arms? Firm bust line? If there is skin hanging, cover it up. If you look like a teenager–go for it. I think it is much better to err on the side of being a little more covered and look tasteful. On the other hand, if you are at a beach and everyone is dressed the same way, it may not matter. Comfort is the key, and unless you really think you are pushing the envelope, go for it.



1. Find your de-stressor and use it when you need to. Don’t suffer in silence, it isn’t good for you.

2. Remember, if you can get better by 30 minutes a day, you’ll have 22 more 8 hour days at the end of the year.

3. Be tolerant and love thy neighbor. You’d be surprised how grateful they will be.


Remember, if you have a question for me email

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