Baby Boomer Women | Midlife Crisis Coach

28th February, 2011 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

February 28,2011
Had a wonderful trip acroos the Everglades to see my old friend
who comes to Naples for a few months. She’s the one I went from
Kindergarten to 12th grade with. We had a good talk, and it must
be great to have the time to do nothing, but I would be bored if
I didn’t have all my activities.
Then I watched the Oscars. And even though a lot of people think
they’re foolish, I love to people watch and find the stars fasci-
nating. Glad “The Kings Speech” did so well. I loved that movie
and of course it was a great shock to me that the King had a
stuttering problem. My dad was a stutterer so I grew up with it.
He never let it stop him and rose to be President of the New York
State Pharmaceutical Association.
On Saturday night, I went to a cabaret concert at Nova Southeastern
University. They were a couple in their 60′s who were once Broadway
stars. It so reminded me of my past as they put pics of them on the

Spunky Old Broad | Women Over 50

21st February, 2011 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

February 21, 2011
Well I’m a year older–not sure if I’m a year wiser, but I sure am trying to keep myself up with what is happening. So be sure you tune in Thursday night at 7 p.m. EST for my heart health teleseminar. The number to call is 712-432-1620 and your access code is 260758#
Spent my birthday with a wonderful friend, Sandra Schrift, The Speakers Coach, at an Indian restaurant in San Diego. She is always a delight–so smart, so up to date, so inspiring and to think our friendship goes back to the time she booked me when she owned a speakers bureau.
Have had some meetings, made some new friends, and braved the rain. It seems like when it rains in San Diego, people stay in, confess they don’t know how to drive in it and generally are in a funk. Then last night, the lights went out for 12 hours! Seems some underground wiring went wrong. So I went to bed early and got up early.
People think I’m crazy going back and forth the way I do and taking dear Abby with me, but I love it. And let me…


16th February, 2011 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

There was an item in the paper yesterday where they showed a woman who was 102 years old ballroom dancing.  My daughter called me to tell me it looked exactly like what and who I would be when I’m 102.  Well, first of all, I’m glad she thinks I’m going to get to 102 and second, if I’m moving, I sure will be dancing.

It’s just such an inspiration to me to see what older people are doing.  My sister is five years older than I, and she is just as active as I am.  We both look at each other and can’t believe we are 68 and  73.  I begin to remember what I thought of as old when I was in my 20′s and realize how silly I was.  On the other hand, I often think about what it would be like to be 40 again because I really think that’s the ideal age for a woman who is trying to make her mark.

The biggest pleasure I get however, are the women I meet in their 50′s and 60′s who are knocking people’s socks off by volunteering, coming up with new ideas, looking at the world with…

Boomers and Valentines Day

15th February, 2011 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and I spent it with my kids, granddaughter and great grandson.  We went out to dinner and it was wonderful to see all the families that were there with their younger and older relatives (many in wheelchairs).  Reminded me of how much my Mom loved going out to dinner no matter how difficult it was.

Of course, I wished all my animals a Happy Valentine’s Day as well, as they are the ones who keep me company all the time.  Boomers are interesting folk because they are sandwiched between young and old and seem to be the peacekeepers and managers of both.  It always amazes me when someone introduces their son or daughter and they’re in their 60′s or 70′s (which used to be old) and now they are still “kids” to their moms and dads.

I am also enjoying the olympics.  Although I’m not a huge sports fan, I love watching them because of the quality, integrity, enthusiasm, dedication and spirit of the athletes.  The discipline these athletes have will take them into everything they do in their future lives.  They will always be successful because of their approach to life.  They don’t take anything…

Midlife Crisis | Baby Boomers

14th February, 2011 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine’s Day. By now, you all know how you’ll be spending
it and with whom. My husband used to bring me chocolates (which I
don’t eat) and then of course, he’d eat them all. He was diabetic
and never should have, but I;d go through that all again just to
have him here.
My kids are coming over tonight to celebrate my birthday. It isn’t
until Saturday but I’ll be in San Diego so tonight’s the night. So
dinner will be prepared, happiness exchanged and another year will
start for me. I feel terrific and still have lots of plans so don’t
any of you out there ever feel you’re too old to do or be what you
would like to (as long as it’s realistic!) And most things are.
Went to a picnic yesterday of my Profit group and took the kids with
me. We all played football (modified), ate too much, and generally
had a great time. The weather was perfect and my great-grandson was
in heaven being out on the field and running around. I was home for

Spunky Old Broad – Gayle Carson

7th February, 2011 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

February 7, 2011
Wow–what a Super Bowl. And today, everyone is talking about the
commercials of course. Some loved them, some didn’t and every talk
show I heard has a comment. Regardless, it’s a grand event, and
something my hubby would have looked forward to and had a lot of
comment about. He was a great back seat driver when it came to
Remember my 80 year old friend I told you about. I took her to a
jazz concert on Saturday night and she got to sing. She was
fantastic! They wanted her to do more but she wasn’t quite sure
about her voice so she refused. It was a grand evening and my
friend, Joan Cartwright, was the host and main performer.
Got a great report from my oncologist and he told me to keep doing
what I’ve been doing. It always puts everything else in perspective
when your health is an issue. I work very hard at keeping fit as
you all know, and take it very seriously.
Met with another survivor, Rhonda Smith, who has created a wonderful

Achieving Wellness After 50

4th February, 2011 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments


The Golden Years! Where are they? Remember when you thought that once you neared retirement, everything would be just keen and peachy? Now each day seems to bring another ache or pain, and you begin to feel your bones creak when you get up and stiffness as you begin to move.

Seriously however, staying healthy as you age, is not easy. But it’s not impossible. You just have to follow some basic principles and then do a lot of hoping that everything falls into place. Sometimes even with everything you do, a major illness occurs. And you have no control over it at all.

What do you do? Well if you are in strong physical and mental shape to begin with, it helps. You will find that the strength you have body wise, combined with the right “head thinking” gives you a survival rate far longer than others. In many cases, not only will you survive defying doctor’s predictions, but you will outpace many of your friends and acquaintances.

In addition, the more positive an outlook you have, the more endorphins you have released in your body, and the more resistant you will be to…