GKIC With The Spunky Old Broad

1st April, 2011 - Posted by admin - 1 Comment

November 15, 2010

Just back from attending the GKIC Info Summit in Baltimore and
thankfully we were blessed with great weather.  And I must say
the beds in the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront were the most
comfortable in a hotel in a long time.  I cuddled up in the covers
and pillows and that’s all she wrote! Out like a light.

The speakers were great and friendships were renewed and now I
am all excited that I have 3 weeks at home.  So are my pets who
were ecstatic that I arrived back to love them up. .  Most people
think you just relax when you go to a meeting like this, but it
is constant study and learning the whole time.

The one thing I am noticing is a new gentler approach to how you
do business.  And I like it.  Courtesy seemed to have gone out the
window for a while, and it’s nice to see people smiling more and
being grateful for who they are.

I am going to be starting teleseminars and would very much like
to know what subjects you would like to hear about, any interesting
guests you’d like me to interview and if there are any burning
questions that you have.  Just email me at gayle@spunkyoldbroad.com
Question and Answer:

Q:  I have a hard time keeping from feeling sorry for myself.  I
know that I lean towards depression, and I have had therapy, but
you’d think by now I’d be o.k.  I have a good job, good friends and
know I am fortunate, but those creepy feelings keep coming back.
Any suggestions?

A:  I’m not a mental health counselor or a therapist, so I am not
qualified to give you any medical advice.  I only know that we are
the only ones who control ourselves and can make the necessary
changes we need.  I would really ask myself “If I could wave a
magic wand and have an absolutely perfect day, what would it look
like?”  And then I’d backtrack from there seeing what it was that
appealed to me so much.  Then I’d try to fill my life with as much
of that particular thing as I could.  There’s an old saying that if
you “act as if” until it really happens, your subconscious doesn’t
know the difference.  It might be a start for you.
1.  Although it’s important to be flexble, having a routine will
allow balance in your life.
2.  Make a list of all the things that are draining yur energy and
get rid of them, one by one.
3.  When you exercise, your metabolism increases and your circulation
improves.  It can’t get any better than that.

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1 Comment


December 2nd, 2010 at 9:11 pm    

I realized that i get distracted easily and i hardly get a chance to pursue my goals. I have started to write down my goals and i get to see my plan in to life.

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