Humid week from Your SOB
21st March, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments
June 28, 2010
It’s been a wild, humid week. Although I must say that last week
I was up in Lake Placid, New York giving a speech. I landed in
Albany (my old home town), picked up my girlfriend and we drove
up together. While having brunch at a lovely restaurant on the
main street, 4 bikers came up to eat right beside us. Turned
out they were all Pharmacists from Nova Scotia and just delightful.
We had quite a conversation and they are very happy with the
Canadian Health Care System. We also had dinner with a speaker
friend of mine, Susan Friedman, who lives up there and probably
doesn’t get too many “buddies” visiting there to speak. It was
delightful. Plus my group was fantastic, there were dogs everywhere
and on the way back, I saw a baby deer cross the road right in
front of me, so my days were fantastic.
My echo came back clear as a bell and everyone has said my heart is
very strong. That’s great because I intend to live as long as my
mom who passed away at 99 1/2. My cancer checkup came back clear
as well, so I am in 7th heaven with all the news. I continue my
daily workouts and really want to urge all of you who may be
couch potatoes out there, to get moving. Whatever it is you try,
great. We all have different likes and dislikes, so go with what
seems like the best for you.
I met a new friend for lunch on Saturday and we may be forming a
joint venture which is always nice. Great lady with interesting
stories. Then Sunday I went to see “Knight and Day” with Tom
Cruise and Cameron Diaz. It got terrible reviews and of course
that’s why I liked it. They are both such incredible looking
people and had great chemistry. You can tell both of them work
out as there wasn’t a piece of flab anywhere to be seen.
My kids came over on both days of the weekend, and my great grand
baby is taking to the water. Not swimming totally yet, but soon
to come. I can’t go out in the heat any more, but when it cooled
down and there was a nice breeze, we all hung out.
Question and Answer:
Q: I love to paint and am taking art classes and would like to
show some of my paintings. How will I know when they are good
A: Wow–you’re asking someone who can’t even draw a straight line.
First, I would enjoy every minute of your classes and fellow students.
You are probably going to make some new friends and they will have
common interests with you as well. Next I would go to a few galleries
to see the kind of art they handle and get some pointers from them.
You may want to try your hand at some festivals or art shows to see
if the public likes what you paint (although I know some of them are
juried). You may even be able to put your art into a friends boutique
or similar venue. Listen clearly to what people have to say when you
do these things as what a friend may tell you when they aren’t spending
money and what a person who is paying $ may say can be totally different.
Just remember, this is a love–don’t turn it into a chore. If you
enjoy what’s going on your canvass, that’s what counts.
1. When things look like they might fall apart, go back to
2. You’ll be amazed how a 1% improvement can change your outlook,
your level of achievement, your commitment and your spirit.
3. People don’t grow old simply by living a certain number of
years. They grow old by deserting their dreams.
See you next week and remember, if you have a question for me email
[email protected]
Plus if you are interested in a wonderful CD program on dating, go to
and look for “The Social You.”
Tags: Baby boomer women, baby boomers, Canadian Health Care System, Children, Over 50, SOB, Spunky Old Broa
Posted on: March 21, 2011
Filed under: General
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