Spunky Old Broad | Gayle Carson | Women Over 40

24th March, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

March 21, 2011

What a week!  Have spent it in Santa Clara attending the Brendon Burchard program on Experts.  He really is a bundle of energy and has so many great thoughts and skills that my mind is bursting at the seams.  All good to stimulate the mind and make you realize how much more there is to learn and explore.

Weather was cold and rainy but I didn’t get out of the hotel very much so it didn’t matter.  However, sunshine still makes my world go round so I will be glad to get back to Miami Beach.  There were people from over 40 countries and many newcomers so it was an interesting mix.

Don’t forget that I will be doing another teleseminar onn Monday, March 28 at 7 p.m. EST.  It’s on weight loss and my guest is Marlene Siersema, who is a radio personality who has lost 170 pounds.  Her story is quite amazing and she will be both informative and entertaining.  Be sure you tell your friends so that we have a good group who will ask questions.

By the way, Brendan’s new book hit #1 on all the best sellers lists, and  he wrote it and promoted it in just 72 days so don’t think it has to be more complicated than it is.  So many of you write to me and tell me about your dreams that are unfulfilled, and there has never been a better time for you to fulfill your passions and hopes..

So how are you liking this daylight savings time?  I love the lighter evenings, and it seems to give me so much more energy.  I will be so glad to get back to my cats and dog.  I miss them as much as they miss me.

And my granddaughter has been accepted into the University of Miami and I am really proud of her.


Question and Answer:

Q:  I have a hobby I’d like to turn into a business.  What do I need to be aware of,  what pitfalls can I fall into,  and am I crazy for wanting to do this?

A:  You haven’t mentioned what kind of hobby this is, so I can’t give you specifics.  The main thing you need to ask yourself is “Can I make money at this?”  If the answer is no, you’re better off keeping it as a hobby.  If it is something you can sell, mass produce, has a waiting audience and can be retailed at a price that covers overhead, time, your personal expenses etc., then map it out, make a plan, do some pricing, see how many pieces can be moved and whether you can keep up that momentum.  Business is not something for the short term.  You must be able to keep everything moving.



1.   If a task is important, you must block out time for it.  Concentrate on one thing at time.

2.   Have a routine.  Having a schedule allows you to get more done in less time.  Everyone needs a plan.

3.   Look at a 30 day calendar.  It’s much easier to structure your time when you look at it 30 days at a glance.  It also allows you to get a better idea of the time frames you have to meet.


REMEMBER:  My weight loss seminar on Monday, March 28 at 7 p. m  EST


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Posted on: March 24, 2011

Filed under: General

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