Women over 50 Can Still Do Things Too!

22nd March, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

July 12, 2010

Well, I’m back from the Chautauqua Institution, and it was a
wonderful week, although a very warm one.  I worked out every
day in the gym which wasn’t air conditioned, and it was like
being in a sweat box.  How we all survived, I don’t know, but
I was one solid bit of wet when I was done.

The speakers were magnificent and made me want to mentor and
teach even more.  The people who go to these lectures are quite
enlightened and posed great questions that had a lot of thought
and meaning behind them.

Combine that with the wonderful symphony concerts, the entertain-
ment (Tom Chapin and Tim Conway) and it was fantastic.  I had
front row seats for everything and just smiled my way through it.
I am a fantastic audience member because I just love everything.

Yesterday was a busy day at my home with my son and his friend
coming in the first shift, my granddaughter and great grandson in
the second, and then a realtor friend and his friend from the
West Coast of Florida after that.  But it was great plus I still’
caught up on my “to do” activities.

In addition, I got to spend the entire week with my sister and
brother-in-law and you just can’t beat that.
Question and Answer:

Q:  I really would like to step my toe in the water and start
my own business but I’m now 55 and wonder if it’s too late.  Your

A:  I think it’s a great time to start providing you do your
homework.  Are you experienced in what you want to do?  Do you have
the resources to sustain you for at least six months or longer?
Do you have some reputation in the industry you’re looking at?
Are you buying yourself a job or can you afford to eventually
bring someone else in to help?  Do you have a business plan?
Most people don’t realize that it is more work owning a business
than working for someone else.  You just can’t go home and forget
about things at the end of the day.  If you don’t see yourself
making some good money at the end of your first year, then you
may want to think more about it.  Regardless, if you have any
specific questions, just email me at gayle@spunkyoldbroad.comn
1.  Goals must be specific and measurable and must be your own.
2.  Ethics are basic principles of right or good conduct.  Be
sure you are practicing yours.
3.  Avoid selective listening.  Some people hear only what they
want to.

For any of my resources, go to
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or You Tube

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