Women Over 50 in August
24th March, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments
August 1, 2010
Here it is the first of August and summer is almost over. I’ve
had such a busy travel schedule , that I’ve blinkedand missed
most of it. I must admit that some of the placesI’ve been and
things I’ve done have been fantastic so I’m notcomplaining, but
still—-I was just waiting for the summer so I could relax and
not be on a constant treadmill. Well, so much for that.
I head up to Grand Haven, Michigan this week with the whole gang
in tow, to see my husband’s side of the family. We go to fireworks,
a parade and have a family picnic. It’s hard to believe that a
little town of 10,000 swells to more than 50,000 during this time.
It’s all for the Coast Guard Festival which is the biggest of its
kind. I’ll tell you more about it next week.
Saw the movie “Cats and Dogs” last night, and even though it is
definitely geared to kids and part of it is animated, I loved it
because of the real animals that were in it. Then I came home to
my clan, an watched them running around chasing each other.
I did two interviews this past week, one for the “Grandcoach”
radio show and the other for women who are on the move. I love
doing these shows because its my way of passing on the information
I love to share. I also attended a woman’s networking group and
had lunch and dinner with several old friends.
Some of you have asked how I spend my day when I’m in town and in
the office. I start off each day with my workout (after taking
care of my pets), then shower and have lunch (after running any
errands I have), then do email (the first of two times a day I
check it), then write, make phone calls, strategize and create,
listen to teleseminars etc. Before dinner, I check email again.
Then dinner, and usually I come back in the office until 8 p.m.
but these days I’m all about getting my closets and drawers cleaned
out since my son will eventually be moving back in and we are
changing rooms around. Then I will tackle my office next!
Question and Answer:
Q. I am thinking about moving into an adult community. It will
be a big adjustment for me, but I am all alone and think this is
the safest and best move for me. Yet, I’m uncertain. What do
you think?
A: A lot of people are doing this. The most important thing is
to make sure it is the right community for you. If you are still
driving,then you can get to most places on your own, and as long
as you like the feeling of the community, the activities held there
and the people who reside there, then I say go ahead. If you don’t
drive, then make sure the transportation they have for you takes
you where you want to go and the activities held on the ones that
appeal to you. The one caution you need to have are the fees you
are charged once you are there. There is no certainty they will
stay at current prices and you need to be aware of that. Also, don’t
choose a place just because friends are there. For some reason,
there are circumstances that sometimes force other people to move
even though they don’t plan on it currently. Also, you are under
certain restrictions and guidelines that aren’t of your making.
Based on all that, you can still have a wonderful, exciting time
in these communities and there is a comraderie that comes from
being with these folk.
1. School is no substitute for life experience. Take an external
degree if necessary or audit a class, but continue to learn from
everything around you.
2. Be realistic about time and don’t put too much on your plate.
Do be realistic about your timetable for achieving any goals you
3. Winning impressions are derived from dress, the way you carry
yourself, your speech and vocabulary, and your fitness and energy
level. Take an inventory, What’s yours?
Address any questions you have to gayle@spunkyoldbroad.com
Check out my resources at
Tags: driven women, SOB, Spunky Old Broad, Women over 50
Posted on: March 24, 2011
Filed under: General
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