Women Over 50 Can Travel!
25th March, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments
August 10, 2010
I’m a day late this week because I just came back from Grand
Haven, Michigan, my husband’s home town. And today is his
birthday, so it’s a double event. His best friend called
today and said he would never forget his birthday and said
he’ll continue to call even though he’s gone. It’s nice to
have those kinds of friends.
We had a fantabulous time, and by we, I mean my son, daughter,
granddaughter, and great-grandson. We arrived Thursday night
and had pizza at Fricano’s which was my husband’s favorite.
There were 23 people and it was frantic. On Friday, we went
to the waterfront and walked and walked and I must have seen
50 varieties of dogs which thrilled me no end. In the morning
we had brunch at DeeLite (another of my husbands favorites) and
had 11 people there and then went to the Art and Craft fair
where I bought some wonderful jewelry and a granite affair with
candles for meditation.
On Saturday there was a parade that took two and a half hours,
then we had dinner at a waterfront restaurant that was lovely,
followed by the Musical Fountain (the largest in the world) and
ended with fireworks. They were the best I’ve seen except for
Macy’s on July 4th. Sunday was the family picnic with 29
people and again, a blast. We arrived home after midnight with
everyone exhausted, but I was at the gym early this morning
doing my thing. From what I understand there were something
like 200,000 people in town.
Went to the doctor this afternoon, and we’ve decided to treat
the skin first and get it healthy before doing any reconstruction
so I go in on November 4th (first time we could get it on the
books with his schedule and mine) and then have another treatment
two months later to see how the skin heals. I’ve been radiated
three times in the one area, so it is pretty damaged. Oh well,
it will give my flexibility and ease of movement which is what I
want and need.
Question and Answer:
Q: I exercise and exercise and I still have a “poochy” tummy.
What can I do?
A: Welcome to the world of over 50. I’m sure you have seen many
women who are extremely thin and still have that stomach. That’s
our metabolism and hormones at work and unless we are very lucky
and work at just the right exercises, we will always have it. But
if you concentrate on your core muscles and strengthen them, that
will help the stomach as well. Remember to keep your posture as
straight and tall as possible, and tighten that diaphram when sitting
at a stop light or in a chair. It will make a difference!
1. Recognizing your stressors ahead of time will save you a lot
of grief.
2. Listen to your own body and mind. Make your own decisions and
enjoy the blisses.
3. The more you think about things, the more vivid they appear and
the more likely they are to happen so make them positive.
Check out our resources on our website
Tags: driven women, SOB, Spunky Old Broad, Women over 50
Posted on: March 25, 2011
Filed under: General
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