Women Over 50 and Their Connections
15th March, 2011 - Posted by xmlrpc - No Comments
The one thing I love about being over 50 is that I know a lot of people. While I was cleaning my office (an ongoing event), I came across names of people in my past and I started calling them. What a treat!
I found a young man who I knew when he was in college and now he’s married with a daughter and a great job. We had lunch!
I found a woman who I hadn’t seen in 10 years, called her and she is doing some fascinating new things including having written a new book. We had lunch!
I called a gentleman who I knew almost 20 years ago and he retired and started
a completely new business which shows you that men over 50 are still very active as well. We had lunch!
Are you seeing a theme here? Lots of lunches which is why I work out so much. I think one of the important things is that at this point in life, we need to stay in touch with those in our past not only the ones we see in our daily lives.
They offer us uniqueness, nostalgia, new information and another view of ourselves. Women over 50, don’t just settle for the same over and over, reunite with some great people from a long time ago.
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