
7th September, 2006 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

There was an item in the paper yesterday where they showed a woman who was 102 years old ballroom dancing.  My daughter called me to tell me it looked exactly like what and who I would be when I’m 102.  Well, first of all, I’m glad she thinks I’m going to get to 102 and second, if I’m moving, I sure will be dancing.

It’s just such an inspiration to me to see what older people are doing.  My sister is five years older than I, and she is just as active as I am.  We both look at each…

Recognizing Spunky Old Broad Day

1st September, 2006 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

We were quite fortunate last week on getting a mention in The Orlando Sentinel.  They were doing a piece on unusual "holidays" and came across "Spunky Old Broad Day" in Chase’s Calendar of Events.  They thought it quite unusual, so called me and asked for a quote.  Nice publicity and a rewarding feeling for me who thinks all women over 50 should be recognized.

My radio show for Entrepreneur Magazine "Women in Business" continues to be received quite well, and the women I am interviewing are exceptional.  If there is any commonality at all, it’s the fact that they have…