Halloween Past

31st October, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

I never realized that Halloween has turned into one of the most important adult holidays.  To me, it always takes me back to my hometown of Albany, NY and going from door to door to get my "treats."   It was a great adventure, not only because of the costume I got to choose, but because I was always amazed by the haul of candy I got.  Back then, pennies and nickels were appreciated too and you never had to worry about "strangers" or getting anything that wasn't o.k. to eat.

The best thing about Halloween in Miami Beach is Lincoln Rd. People go there just to watch all the eccentricities of the people and costumes.  You can see every kind of combination you could imagine.  And they give prizes for the best costumes.  People also  bring their dogs and they get prizes as well. 

Haven't had any trick or treaters for the last 5 years which is sad really.  Most kids now go to block parties or home parties.  It sure makes it easier on the parents but not as much fun.  It was really hot in Miami and some of the costumes were heavy so the kids got uncomfortable.  October…

Spunky Old Broad in San Diego

25th October, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

October 25, 2010

Wow! What a week it’s been. Spent 3 days at a seminar in San Diego that was fantastic. Very practical, spiritually based, and lots of good people and ideas. Then I trekked on over to Reno for the IMC (Institute of Management Consultants) Confab. More great people and ideas, not so spiritual, but plenty of good feelings. Tomorrow I wing my way home for just one day and then back to the West Coast with my Abby in tow. Somehow the feeding schedule got mixed up at home and she greeted my son at the door with food bowl practically in hand. Boy, are they smart critters.

She also had her 6th birthday last week and I must have sung Happy Birthday to her six times and she seemed to enjoy every one of them. I have had a lot of people come at my from my past through social media. It is so interesting to me to see them connecting and wanting to catch up on old times. It’s a brand new world, isn’t it.

Well, I’m making this short since I am still on duty at Confab and have to run off to another meeting.…

Boomers Who are Helping

24th October, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

I live in Miami Beach and the surrounding area supports a large Haitian community.  There are so many fund raising efforts going on and I know many of you are confused as to where and to whom you should contribute.  I have discoveed a program called “Nourish the Children” that donates directly to the people and will deliver a daily meal to a child for 30 days for only $22.  If you are interested, please be in touch with me and I can give you the information on how to do it.   Boomers are the current leaders in the world and children will be the next generation to use their brain power, so It’s important for them to have as much nutrition as possbie.

I was a guest last week on Getting Healthy, Wealthy and Having More Fun Tele-Seminar.  You can listen now @ http://dsdirectmarketing.com/healthywealthyfun.html.  We did this as a fundraiser…I hope you can help out.  It is another fund raising effort for another worthy cause, and this young man is coming to Miami to run in the marathon this week so it is another golden opportunity for you to donate to a worthy cause.

I went to my college…

Breast Cancer Awarness Month

18th October, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - 1 Comment

October 18, 2010

We all know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  And
most of you also know that I am a 3 time survivor or as I like
to say a breast cancer champion.  I have been doing a lot of
media this month on the topic, and although there is a lot of
controversy out there, I am still a strong proponent of mammograms.

Each of my cancers were detected by a mammogram so you can
understand why i am so strong on the issue.  In fact, I am going
ahead with the surgery in a few weeks that I mentioned in an
earlier newsletter.  This is not reconstruction, it’s just adding
my own fat cells to my chest area to soften up the distressed
areas.  There will be one more after that, and then we will
discuss further treatment.

Anyway, I just want to push all of you, if you have been procrasti-
nating, to make sure you do your checkups and get your mammograms.
Better to be safe than sorry, and I feel that way about all your
parts! Colonoscopy, pap smears,…

A Wonderful Evening on the Water

14th October, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

I had the opportunity to go on a sunset boat cruise with a group of peers last Friday evening.  It was absolutely magnificent.  There is nothing as peaceful as the water and especially when you are with friends, it can be outstanding.  We toured Biscayne Bay, something I have done many times, but never in the late afternoon hours.

The weather was perfect, the conversation was inspiring, and the people were terrific.  We are all part of a Glazer Kennedy chapter, so have marketing, marketing, marketing in common.  But we are all in different business arenas, so while we are peers, we are not competitive (except in spirit).

We are still in very hot, humid times in Miami but Friday night was about 75 (that’s our cool down) so we were in heaven.

On Saturday I went to a Florida Breast Cancer Foundation benefit, and met some great people.  As a three time survivor, I think whatever attention can be raised on the issue, is a positive.  I am amazed at how many younger women are now being diagnosed.  Prevention is the key to survival, so remember to get your mammogram.

Columbus Day with the Spunky Old Broad

11th October, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

October 11, 2010
Happy Columbus Day everyone. It is definitely the fall with all the colors changing in the trees, but I’m in beautiful San Diego enjoying the weather here.
Spent the weekend at a wonderful seminar where it was refreshing to hear some new speakers along with some seasoned people but they all had something to offer and I made some new friends. I hope all of you are doing everything you can to continue your personal growth. Much of the time people say to me Don’t you know it yet? In fact, that was my husband’s favorite question to me, but I figure, everyone has something to offer and I’m here to listen to it. On that note, my friend, Debbie Bermont is holding a workshop in San Diego on October 30th and that evening, from 7:30 to 11 p.m. at the Hilton Mission Valley, her guest is Jim White. Jim rose from a sharecropper’s cabin in South Carolina to be one of the best turn around experts in this country. In a span of 10 years, he bought and sold 22 multi-million dollar businesses.
The program is only $35 with a coupon so email…

Baby Boomers and Beyond

6th October, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

Was a guest on a radio show this morning for the entire hour.  Spoke about baby boomers and how it is their time to take on whatever their desires and hopes are.  Women are now the major wage earners in households and many of them are wanting to branch out on their own.  I strongly encourage this, as long as they are doing their homework and have a strategy.  Women are proving they can run companies as well as anyone and some are doing it extremely well with home based businesses too.

Back from Atlanta where I attended a conference that went from early morning to late evening.  I always feel as if I have spent a year there when I do that.  I am just as feisty as can be on day #1 and 2, but after that I seem to be dragging a little.  There is so much to concentrate on that your brain doesn’t get any rest.

When I got home, Abby, Dylan and Diva were ecstatic to see me and continued to play for another hour or so.  Dylan (my Siamese), just loves to cuddle and snuggles up to me as if he is my third…

Class Reunion For Women Over 50

5th October, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

October 5, 2010

Sorry I’m a little late but I didn’t have access to a computer believe it or not.  Unfortunately, I didn’t take my laptop because my friend said she had a computer, but it didn’t have the programs on it I needed, so I was at a dead stop for several days.

I went up to my high school reunion in Albany, New York and it was fantastic.  They asked my old dancing partner and I to dance as part of a “Dancing with the Stars” program (we hadn’t danced in 55 years), and we had a breakfast the next morning, and all I can say is, my classmates are the same terrific bunch they were eons ago, and my home town has changed a lot, but my gal friend who I stayed with ( a friend from kindergarten on) is just as great as she was.

I also gave a speech in San Diego last week, but when I got to where I was going, all the power was out.  (Remember the 101 degrees last week?)  So I did it by candlelight and felt like I was in a séance.  The women were great however, and were…