Football Season is On
14th September, 2009 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
I tried to find something interesting on TV yesterday as the rain came down, but all the major stations had football, so I tried Hallmark (which I love) and USA (which has great re-runs). I used to watch football with my husband, as he was a fanatic. Watched all channels at once, yelled at everyone, and was totally occupied every Sunday. Now, I just tune in for the scores so I know what's going on.
I ended up developing some handouts for programs I have coming up, and reading the second volume of a 500 page missive from Jay Abraham. Good thing I read with a high lighter or I'd never remember anything. My animals were happy to have me home all day and kept me company as I was doing my various "chores."
It's reallly fun to exercise with them because the cat lies on my stomach (and that helps with the situps) while the dog is busy licking my face (that can be annoying). Anyway, they are lots of company and that's the important thing.
Spent some time this weekend with the Guiness Book of Records artist, Conni Gordon, who is a dear friend of mine. If you think I'm energetic, she just keeps on coming up with creative projects. It's so nice to converse with someone who has a level head, understands business, has constructive thoughts and has your best interest at heart.
Hope you are tuning into my radio show every Tuesday on from 7 to 8 p.m. EST
Posted on: September 14, 2009
Filed under: General
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