Midlife Crisis | Baby Boomers

14th February, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine’s Day. By now, you all know how you’ll be spending
it and with whom. My husband used to bring me chocolates (which I
don’t eat) and then of course, he’d eat them all. He was diabetic
and never should have, but I;d go through that all again just to
have him here.
My kids are coming over tonight to celebrate my birthday. It isn’t
until Saturday but I’ll be in San Diego so tonight’s the night. So
dinner will be prepared, happiness exchanged and another year will
start for me. I feel terrific and still have lots of plans so don’t
any of you out there ever feel you’re too old to do or be what you
would like to (as long as it’s realistic!) And most things are.
Went to a picnic yesterday of my Profit group and took the kids with
me. We all played football (modified), ate too much, and generally
had a great time. The weather was perfect and my great-grandson was
in heaven being out on the field and running around. I was home for
just 30 minutes when my friend called and off we went to dinner and
a movie. Saw “No Strings Attached” and it was fantastic. Gosh to
be as beautiful as Natalie Portman and Ashton Kucher–ah well that was
Had dinner with other friends the night before and caught up on all
their happenings. And just returned from Washington, D.C. where it
was 22 degrees and freezing! I attended my last board meeting for
the Institute of Management Consulting and now I’m off to other things.
Will still be involved but not the way I have been for the last six
Went to a fabulous lunch for The Commonwealth Institute and heard from
the former CEO of Y&R Brands. She predicts our whole future will change
and be built around all our mobile devices. How do you feel about that?
I’m not sure I want to be that connected, but am curious about your
feelings. Email be at gayle@spunkyoldbroad.com and let me know.
Remember our Heart Attack at 53? teleseminar on Thursday, February 24
at 7 p.m. EST.
Question and Answer:
Q: You always seem to be in great spirits. Don’t you ever get
depressed? It must be hard to keep up a smile all the time. How do
you do it?
A: I must admit that yes, 99% of the time, I feel pretty good. I
mean, what’s the choice? You either enjoy yourself and feel positive
or you’re in a funk, which I think is a terrible choice. I have things
that happen on a daily basis that drive me nuts. But that’s called
life, and unless you are in a cocoon, that’s what’s going to happen.
If I ever do feel frustrated (more than depressed), I realize how lucky
I am to have, be and do what I have, am and do. Are there people and
circumstances that test your mettle–you bet! But you can’t let them
get the best of you–or they win. Believe in yourself, in what you do
and what you stand for, and be proud. And live the life you want to,
not what someone else wants for you.
1. Success may mean working for your community where your work and
talent matters.
2. Never respond to name calling or red flag words. You lower your
worth and value.
3. Do a self-inventory and find out your biggest strengths and
weaknesses. Then work on your strengths and forget about your
Remember the Heart Attack at 53? teleseminar on Thursday, February 24
at 7 p.m. EST

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