Spunky Old Broad in San Diego

25th October, 2010 - Posted by admin - No Comments

October 25, 2010

Wow! What a week it’s been. Spent 3 days at a seminar in San Diego that was fantastic. Very practical, spiritually based, and lots of good people and ideas. Then I trekked on over to Reno for the IMC (Institute of Management Consultants) Confab. More great people and ideas, not so spiritual, but plenty of good feelings. Tomorrow I wing my way home for just one day and then back to the West Coast with my Abby in tow. Somehow the feeding schedule got mixed up at home and she greeted my son at the door with food bowl practically in hand. Boy, are they smart critters.

She also had her 6th birthday last week and I must have sung Happy Birthday to her six times and she seemed to enjoy every one of them. I have had a lot of people come at my from my past through social media. It is so interesting to me to see them connecting and wanting to catch up on old times. It’s a brand new world, isn’t it.

Well, I’m making this short since I am still on duty at Confab and have to run off to another meeting.


Question and Answer:

Q: I am really questioning whether to stay in my job that I really detest, or whether to go for broke and quit and do what I am secretly passionate about. What do you think?

A: Well, there’s a lot of unanswered questions here. How much money do you have saved? Can you make an income from your passion? How long will it take you to do so and can you outlast the money you have hopefully put away? If you think you can do it, then go for it, but if money becomes an issue, and jobs being so tight, you might want to keep socking the $ away until you know you can live on what your new income will be. Also, think of insurance, unseen expenses like a car breaking down etc. Whatever your choice, I honor it.



1. Take a deep breath when you’re feeling tense. It will relax you.

2. Always give people your name first so that you make them feel comfortable immediately.

3. Take a guru to lunch and value their time and information. They will love you for it.


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