Over 50 and Exercise

10th June, 2009 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

I spent this last weekend at the Fitness Fusion Conference in Chicago.  It was my first time at this smaller conference as I always go to the big World Conference in the summer.  But my kids want to go to Michigan for the Coast Guard festinval in my husband’s home town, and it conflicts so I decided to go to this one.

I loved it!  Smaller, less crowded, not as hectic and the classes were fantastic.  Learned a lot of new technique, saw some new equipment and the instructors were all warm, friendly, humble and gracious.

We were all ages, sizes, shapes and competencies, but I still think I was the oldest!  The most important thing was that the emphasis was on keeping moving, especially when you’re 50 and over.  To keep from falling, breaking a hip, losing balance, general well being, you need to exercise.

Come on, get of your “butts” and get those muscles working.