Over 50 and no energy?
15th March, 2010 - Posted by xmlrpc - No Comments
If you have hit 50 and have no energy, then you’ll be interested in the story of "Granny Haddock." I became interested in Granny because she attended my Alma Mater, Emerson College.
Her story is legendary in the Northeast, because at the age of 90, she walked across the U.S. (3200 miles), to call attention to the issue of campaign finance reform.
She was a former Senate candidate and a political activist. But she was also a wife, mother, actress and a general Spunky Old Broad. She just passed away at the age of 100 and I for one, admire what she did in her lifetime.
As you know, I’m an exercise freak, and can’t help but think that all that activity and positive thinking helped Granny get to the century mark.
How about you? Are you a boomer who is becoming a couch potato? Do you think 50 is middle age? Come on–get moving and you’ll feel a whole lot better.