Boomers Who are Helping
24th October, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
I live in Miami Beach and the surrounding area supports a large Haitian community. There are so many fund raising efforts going on and I know many of you are confused as to where and to whom you should contribute. I have discoveed a program called “Nourish the Children” that donates directly to the people and will deliver a daily meal to a child for 30 days for only $22. If you are interested, please be in touch with me and I can give you the information on how to do it. Boomers are the current leaders in the world and children will be the next generation to use their brain power, so It’s important for them to have as much nutrition as possbie.
I was a guest last week on Getting Healthy, Wealthy and Having More Fun Tele-Seminar. You can listen now @ We did this as a fundraiser…I hope you can help out. It is another fund raising effort for another worthy cause, and this young man is coming to Miami to run in the marathon this week so it is another golden opportunity for you to donate to a worthy cause.