Baby Boomer Women | Midlife Crisis Coach

7th January, 2010 - Posted by admin - No Comments

February 28,2011
Had a wonderful trip acroos the Everglades to see my old friend
who comes to Naples for a few months. She’s the one I went from
Kindergarten to 12th grade with. We had a good talk, and it must
be great to have the time to do nothing, but I would be bored if
I didn’t have all my activities.
Then I watched the Oscars. And even though a lot of people think
they’re foolish, I love to people watch and find the stars fasci-
nating. Glad “The Kings Speech” did so well. I loved that movie
and of course it was a great shock to me that the King had a
stuttering problem. My dad was a stutterer so I grew up with it.
He never let it stop him and rose to be President of the New York
State Pharmaceutical Association.
On Saturday night, I went to a cabaret concert at Nova Southeastern
University. They were a couple in their 60′s who were once Broadway
stars. It so reminded me of my past as they put pics of them on the
screen from yesteryear. Since I have been my cleaning my office,
I have found so many relics from my past that I have forgotten about.
Places I’ve been, pieces I’ve written, groups I’ve spoken to and
pictures of me with past influencers. I feel like I’m in an old movie.
We had a meeting of our Spunky Old Broad club and met some new people.
Actually, people I had known in the past and now getting re-acquainted
with. Facebook is so interesting as well. Connecting with a lot of
people from my past. Some in other countries, others who knew me
40 years ago in my other life, but the best thing is they are still
using skills I taught them long ago.
For those who didn’t get to hear my heart health seminar, the playback
is 712-432-1282 260758# Lots of good information so take the
time to listen.
Question and Answer:
Q: I enjoy having some relaxing time and taking things at a
leisurely pace. However, I also feel like I’m getting nothing done.
I know you are a big proponent of time management. How do you take
things slower without feeling a lot of wasted time is going by?
A: Everybody needs a schedule–even for relaxation. If you don’t
plan your day, it won’t happen. The first thing I do when I get up
(after taking care of my animals) is work out. This is every single
day because if I didn’t do it then, it wouldn’t happen. I have a
time of day I do email, write, do projects etc. So whatever your
day consists of, it needs to be planned. While it seems like a good
idea to just “wing it” if you are retired, it really isn’t. You
can put relaxation or free time into your planned day, but you need
a schedule. So have time for meditation, hobbies, friends etc but
keep a calendar and you will find you are much calmer and will have
much more available time.
1. For two weeks, write down every abrasive incident that happens
to you. I’ll bet you’ll find its the same people causing you the
stress and aggravation.
2. Try having your friends span the generations. You’ll find them
a lot more interesting and you’ll learn a lot as well.
3. When people ask a question, look into their eyes as you answer.
It makes them feel special.
Remember, if you want to hear the health health seminar, the playback
is 712-432-1282 260758#

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Posted on: January 7, 2010

Filed under: General

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