Breast Cancer Awarness Month

18th October, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - 1 Comment

October 18, 2010

We all know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  And
most of you also know that I am a 3 time survivor or as I like
to say a breast cancer champion.  I have been doing a lot of
media this month on the topic, and although there is a lot of
controversy out there, I am still a strong proponent of mammograms.

Each of my cancers were detected by a mammogram so you can
understand why i am so strong on the issue.  In fact, I am going
ahead with the surgery in a few weeks that I mentioned in an
earlier newsletter.  This is not reconstruction, it’s just adding
my own fat cells to my chest area to soften up the distressed
areas.  There will be one more after that, and then we will
discuss further treatment.

Anyway, I just want to push all of you, if you have been procrasti-
nating, to make sure you do your checkups and get your mammograms.
Better to be safe than sorry, and I feel that way about all your
parts! Colonoscopy, pap smears, and heart.  O.K.  That’s my lecture
for the day.

I’m back in Miami Beach for a few days and enjoying the wonderful
weather here.  Out to dinner with friends both Saturday and Sunday
over the weekend, and my son moved into his temporary digs as well.
His house has to be totally reconstructed after the fire, so it is\
a long process.  It was unique having him live here after 25 years.
Question and Answer:

Q:  Sometimes I just get so depressed over the trials of what is
going on in the world today?  I question the difference I can make
and whether I am on the right path.  Any suggestions?

A:  Wow!  Big topic and lots of thoughts, but first you have to
remember that you are not responsible for these woes nor should you
get yourself into a tizzy about them.  What you can do is decide
in what area you would like to make that difference, even if it’s
one person or deed at a time.  You can volunteer, you can donate,
you can mentor, or you can create a new foundation.  Where is your
passion and heart–that is the main question?  Once you find where
that is, your efforts will be well rewarded and appreciated and\
you will find a happiness and focus that is immeasurable.  I wish
you only the best.
1.  Support your peers and help your subordinates.  Use your contacts
for better networking.
2.  Success must also include happiness.  Unless you truly love what
you do, you’ll never get where you want to go.
3.  When you leave a message on a phone, slow down and articulate.
Many calls aren’t returned because they can’t understand you.

Check out out new member site at

1 Comment


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