Christmas with Gayle Carson

20th December, 2010 - Posted by admin - No Comments

December 20, 2010

First I want to wish everyone a very Merry Xmas. Hard to believe that 2010 is coming to a close so quickly. The new year will find me in a new home office and doing teleseminars. So stay tuned. I know the kids (dog and cats) will love having me in the house, but I hope they aren’t too distracting as I just enjoy watching them play so much! Dinners out this weekend with friends (ate too much each time, exercising like mad) and a couple of Xmas parties to boot so have to take next week carefully. Hope to really spend each day just getting organized and ready for 2011. I think it’s going to be a much better year and I’m looking forward to all the new things I have planned. One of the things that’s happening as I go through 50 years of files and boxes, is to see how much I accomplished in those years. I can’t believe I did all those things (really shaking my memory) or produced that much work. But the most fun is seeing all the old pics of my family and friends. Wow–great adventures remembered, people now gone but thought about, the various stages of my kids, and seeing the changes in me (oh boy!) Not always pleasant, but the truth. There are a lot of new movies out and I want to take the time to see them over the holidays as otherwise I get sidetracked. I don’t like the violent ones, but the comedy and chick flicks are my specialty. _____________________________________________________________

Question and Answer:

Q: I know I should set some New Year’s Resolutions, but don’t know how many, how to keep on track, whether they should be in writing or just in my head and how not beat myself up if I don’t keep them. Any suggestions?

A: Resolutions are just that–New Year’s or not. Most people can’t even remember what they are by the end of the month. More important is setting a goal plan. What do you want to accomplish in 2011 and how does that fit in with the next three years? Any thing beyond that in this fast changing world, won’t be relevant anyway. Then break those yearly goals into quarters, then months, then weeks and finally–what do you have to do every day to inch towards that final path. You would be surprised that just doing that (providing your goals are clear) how much further ahead you’ll be without making any resolutions. Now, if you want to be a kinder, more thoughtful you, those are always great resolutions, but weight wise, career plans and a life change take more than that. _________________________________________________________________

Tips: 1. Stress comes from high demand and no control, not too much work or not getting what you want.

2. Healing laughter does a tremendous amount to reduce stress.

3. Remember it is difficult to have clenched teeth when you smile and you cannot be tense if your teeth aren’t clenched.


Enjoy the holidays and be safe!

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