Columbus Day with the Spunky Old Broad
11th October, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
October 11, 2010
Happy Columbus Day everyone. It is definitely the fall with all the colors changing in the trees, but I’m in beautiful San Diego enjoying the weather here.
Spent the weekend at a wonderful seminar where it was refreshing to hear some new speakers along with some seasoned people but they all had something to offer and I made some new friends. I hope all of you are doing everything you can to continue your personal growth. Much of the time people say to me Don’t you know it yet? In fact, that was my husband’s favorite question to me, but I figure, everyone has something to offer and I’m here to listen to it. On that note, my friend, Debbie Bermont is holding a workshop in San Diego on October 30th and that evening, from 7:30 to 11 p.m. at the Hilton Mission Valley, her guest is Jim White. Jim rose from a sharecropper’s cabin in South Carolina to be one of the best turn around experts in this country. In a span of 10 years, he bought and sold 22 multi-million dollar businesses.
The program is only $35 with a coupon so email me at
[email protected] and say Deb’s seminar in the subject line and I’ll send you the link. His subject is “How to Build the Right Relationships To Survive Every Economy and Come Out a Market Leader. Hope to see you there.
I am going to be starting my teleseminars soon, so be sure and send me the types of programs and people you’d like me to interview. We have also launched our membership site at so check it out and let me know what you think.
Question and Answer:
Q: You have been in business forever. What is the one thing that you think is the most important thing to do to be successful?
A: That is a big question, however, if I had to pick one thing, it would be action or implementation. You have to try things to find out what works and what doesn’t. I would listen to what others have to say, read the recommended books and then use your own head to try one thing at a time to see what your market responds to. What works with a young adult group might not with single moms. What works online might not be as effective in a store location. The important thing is to have options and see what is best for your customers. Of course, you should never rely on just one thing, because if that goes down, you have nothing.
1. Always extend your hand first if you want to shake someone’s hand. Unless they’re a dignitary or above you in position, it will position you. And men will feel more comfortable.
2. Wear your name tag on the right side of your body. It makes it easier for people to read.
3. Ask someone about themselves and you will never run out of conversation.
Remember to check out our new site at
And send your questions to [email protected]
Tags: driven women, SOB, Spunky Old Broad, Women over 50
Posted on: October 11, 2010
Filed under: General
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