Gayle Carson | Spunky Old Broad | Women Over 40

1st August, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

August 1, 2011
The beginning of the eighth month already. My how time flies when you’re
having fun!
I spent 4 days in Philly, 3 of them taking Steve Harrison’s Publicity
Workshop. Very interesting and informative. Although I do have to say
I knew a lot of what he suggested, it is always great to rediscover things
you’ve stopped doing and to re-evaluate how it’s working. Most of all
for me, I got some key phrases to use and some new techniques. Met my
buddy Bryan Todor for lunch and had a great conversation and discussion.
Steve was very generous in all his teachings and what he gave us. He
won a lot of fans.
My sweet Abby went into some type of seizures while I was there and my
son had her at the vets three times. She is now on medication twice
a day and seems to be doing well. So now she is taking joint medication,
throat medication and her seizure meds. Oh my, see what we do for our
loved ones!
I did an interview for a teleseminar series. It won’t take place for
a while, but it is done and I feel really good about it. It’s all about
how women over 50 are making successes in the business world. Hope
you’ll get a chance to hear it.
I also taped a video for Nova Southeastern where I received my doctorate.
It will be coupled with the President encouraging students to come to
the University.
Spent Saturday evening at the “V” with my friend for dinner and there was
a show later. Most interesting to me was the entertainment. The husband
was a dentist for 40 years and is now playing piano to the wife’s singing.
This is a second career for them both and they are doing cruises and condos
etc. I was so thrilled to see that and it encouraged me once again that
what I’ve been telling you all along is true and can be done.
Saw the new Steve Carrell movie and loved it! And today was my colonoscopy.
Not fun (especially the drinking part) but necessary. Those of you who
are due, be sure you take care of it.
Question and Answer:
Q I have spent all my life in one career and now I’m thinking I want to do
something entirely different. I want it to be fun, a little quirky and I’m
not sure if I will make any money at it. Any suggetions?
A: Hopefully you have saved a little bit during your career and have the
luxury of cutting back a little. If you have an idea of what it is you want
to do, then experiment by doing it a few hours or one or two days a week.
You may find once you get into it, that it isn’t what you thought it would
be. It reminds me of when I was speaking 150 times a year and people envied
me. However, if they had ever tried to follow my schedule, they would
probably have collapsed. The grass always looks greener on the other side,
but it is still well worth investigating so you don’t become one of the
“I shoulda’s.”
1. Do your most difficult projects during your prime hours. Otherwise you
will procrastinate.
2. Assertiveness is merely making your point, standing up for your beliefs.
and moving ahead with no harm to anyone.
3. Remember that image is not what you see in the mirror, it’s what others
se when they look at you, and usually in the first 30 seconds.

How would you rate your life on a scale of 1 to 5? If you said a 5, just
keep reading and enjoying. If you’re down around the 1’s, try some of the
suggestions I provide.
When I was doing my focus groups, one of the three main issues women were
concerned about was financial security. Not only did you want to know
you could pay your bills without worrying, but you also wanted to know
you would live in the style to which you’ve become accustomed.
It is amazing to me how many women have no idea what their net worth is,
what kind of credit score they have or where all their assets are. It is
up to you to take control now, and have the information you need to make
sure you are fully knowledgeable of how you stack up financially. No
one is going to rescue you but you.
If you are still with your husband or significant other, and they feel
threatened by your questions and actions, too bad. You are a team,
and teams share and succeed together. There are no secrets and you are
stronger because you compliment each other.
If you choose to stay ignorant and uninformed, then you deserve what you
get. No longer can any woman afford to not be in control of her own
destiny. Illness, accidents, disasters are realities we may have to
face. Only the strong will survive, and you need to be one of them.
The second issue is wellness. In fact, some women who never surfed
the web for anything other than travel and getting email, spent most
of their time researching health issues. Fitness didn’t come into
play because it sounded too much like work. But staying healthy and
able to move, enjoy and do, were the targets of choice.
Of course, in order to stay healthy, you must exercise, eat properly,
get your check-ups, and take your medication and supplements.
Even doing all that, there are things you can’t prevent. You will get
arthritis, painful knees, slower metabolism, poorer eyesight and even
serious diseases such as diabetes, forms of cancer and heart problems.
The big difference is that the better care you have taken of yourself,
the more you’ll be able to deal with them and overcome not only the
treatments but totally recover.
I firmly believe in at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. I’d prefer
an hour, but half of that is mandatory. It doesn’t matter what you
choose as long as you are faithful about it. It must have cardio
value to get your heart rate up, stretching for flexibility and
resistance/weight training for bone density.
Eliminate any of those and your regimen is compromised. Of course,
that has to be coupled with proper eating habits. I don’t believe in
diets. I do believe in monitoring how and what you eat. You become
aware of what you put in your mouth and it’s as simple as that.
It’s a way of life and when it becomes a habit, you won’t even think about it.
You can be vegan, a meat eater, like mostly fish and chicken—it
doesn’t matter. If you use moderation, you’ll be o.k.
I’m not sure if you are aware that 3500 calories equal one pound.
That means to lose a pound, you must eliminate 3500 calories that
you need. To gain those pounds, you must have eaten 3500 calories
that you didn’t burn up.
Sure—the more active you are, the more calories you burn—but starving
yourself is not the answer either. Your body thinks you “are starving”
yourself and adjusts the amount of calories you need. So just be
logical and do what you know is the right thing.
The final area identified was that of lifestyle, social community or
belonging to a group. Women wanted others like them to do things with.
It could be as simple as a theatre group, book reviews, cruises or
just simple dinners. Those of you with other people in your life
might not need this as much, but some you have spouses who prefer
to stay home, like to putter around the house, watch sports all day
and really aren’t very social themselves.
These groups provide a safe, stable environment in which to have fun
and enjoy yourself. That’s why we started the Spunky Old Broad Clubs
so people could find others with whom they have something in common.
Come join us. And even if you don’t, you owe it to yourself to have
your finances, health and community all in place. If you don’t you
will continue to have your midlife crisis with no one around to help

Posted on: August 1, 2011

Filed under: General

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