Gayle Carson | Women Over 50 | SOB

6th June, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

June 6, 2011

I deserve congratulations! After another 10 hours, I am finally out of
my old office and into my home office. I was dripping wet because there
was no air conditioning in the old one, and I must have made 100 trips
up and down stairs. Abby made the first 25 with me and then got tired
and just looked as I was doing my work. But yea, I am done.

I did a wonderful teleseminar last week with January Jones, and also had
a great networking lunch with my Profit group. Also had two lunch
meetings and had two personal coaching sessions. Yes, this professional
coach has two coaches herself. I am always trying to learn and improve,
and love discovering new facts about myself.

Had two personal training sessions at the gym and boy, was I getting
pushed. I grunted just the way the wrestlers do on TV. But he told me
I would never get better unless I really pushed myself because I am so
used to exercising. So here I am at my ripe old age, doing unbelievable

I also had a facial at the gym. It came with the resigning of my contract
and it was great. And everyone told me how good I looked today. Maybe
I need to continue it even though I do give myself electronic massages
twice a day myself!

How I love the new office!!! And Abby does too!
Question and Answer:
Q: We are starting the summer and I am worried about how I will look
at the beach. What kind of swimsuit should I choose and how do I keep
from feeling embarrased about how I look?

A: Without knowing your figure problems, I can’t recommend the best
suit for you, but if you know you aren’t the 20 year old tight bodied
person you were, I would not suggest a bikini or a two piece. A one
piece suit that is well fitted to you is still the best bet for looking
terrific. I would also choose an attractive and flattering cover-up as
that can cancel a lot of bad areas as you are walking to and fro. I
found a sheer pair of pants that go over my suit and work beautifully
around a pool. I can sit comfortably in them under an umbrella (I can’t
take the sun anymore since chemo) and look very fashionable.
1. List the things that make you smile, event you wish you had more
time available to do,and people you’d like to meet or spend time with.
2, Think about how you want to live the rest of your life. In fact,
if you wrote your obituary right now, what would you, your family and
friends say?
3. Learn to slice and dice things into 5 to 15 minute segments. You’ll
be surprised how much you accomplish by using every spare moment.
Feature Article:

The Golden Years! Where are they? Remember when you thought that once
you neared retirement, everything would be just keen and peachy? Now
each day seems to bring another ache or pain, and you begin to feel
your bones creak when you get up and stiffness as you begin to move.

Seriously however, staying healthy as you age, is not easy. But it’s
not impossible. You just have to follow some basic principles and then
do a lot of hoping that everything falls into place. Sometimes even
with everything you do, a major illness occurs. And you have no control
over it at all.

What do you do? Well if you are in strong physical and mental shape
to begin with, it helps. You will find that the strength you have body
wise, combined with the right “head thinking” gives you a survival rate
far longer than others. In many cases, not only will you survive
defying doctor’s predictions, but you will outpace many of your friends
and acquaintances.

In addition, the more positive an outlook you have, the more endorphins
you have released in your body, and the more resistant you will be to all
things attaching to your system. So, let’s get off the down and dismal
and on to what we can do.

The fact that you keep active and involved probably does as much for you
as anything else. Being around friends and people who support you and
with whom you have common interests, gives you a warm and safe feeling.
They keep you interested as well as interesting. You share ideas and
thoughts and bond in a unique way that is a separate place of its own.

If you have a family who visits, grandchildren who love you, friends who
check in, people who depend on you and causes you believe in, you will
have more purpose and reason to make sure you are healthy.

So here is what you must do every day to achieve the wellness and health
we all want after 50.
1. Take all medication on time every day and monitor body functions
that you need to.
2. Use appropriate supplements to bolster your immune system. Be
sure they don’t interfere with any of the medications you are on.
3. Move every day. Swimming and walking are the two easiest things
on your joints. Weight training can be done in a seated position
if necessary. You can move shoulders, ankles, the neck and stretch
your arms and torso without too much trouble.
4. Keep your mind sharp. Do puzzles, learn a new skill, try a
computer game, but learn something new every day. With the speed
of change we have today, it shouldn’t be hard to find something
you don’t know.
5. Hang around positive people. You won’t have any trouble finding
people who will tell you what you can’t do. Find those who will
tell you what you can–even if they’re under the age of eight.
They believe you can do anything!
6. Appreciate what you do have. You may not be as fast or energetic as
you were at 30, or you may be even better. Many people are actually
healthier, saner and more at peace than back in their early days.
7. Lastly, many times wellness is a state of mind. If you think you are
healthy, live your life the way you want, are mentally alert and
inquisitive, enjoy the people around you and they enjoy you, you have
achieved wellness.

Happiness has no age limits, so why not spend your “golden years” the best
way you can in the most extraordinary manner enjoying fantastic people,
places and health.

See you next week! Have a great one!

Posted on: June 6, 2011

Filed under: General

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