National Speakers Association | Gayle Carson

4th April, 2011 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

April 4, 2011

We passed April Fools Day without too many mishaps, and mine was
spent on a plane to Dallas where the National Speakers Association
had its CSP/CPAE summit.  Gathered were some of the brightest and
most successful speakers in the industry and we all worked with
one another on our greatest individual issue.  Terrific ideas and
even greater suggestions.

When I got back, Abby was so excited she was doing what my son calls
her “happy dance” where she runs around in circles with a toy in
her mouth.  Wouldn’t we be thrilled if everyone did that for us!

One of the suggestions that my speaker buddies gave me was to start
a new daily email message with some positive S.O.B. thoughts so
everyone can start the new day with a smile and good energy.  So
I registered the domain “” and I will be beginning
those soon.

Haven’t gotten the results from my bone density or blood tests yet,
and that’s usually a good sign, but I would still like a definitive
report.  Hope all of you are taking those tests which are very
important as preventive medicine.  You know me–I always want you to
find time for yourself so you can get your testing done.

I’m thinking of adding a feature article to this newsletter each
week.  Let me know if you think it would be a good idea and if you
would read it!  Email me at [email protected] with article
in the subject line and give me your thoughts.
Question and Answer:

Q:  I’m pretty successful at what I do, but I’m getting a little
bored with the same old thing.  I don’t want to stop what I’m doing
because it provides me with a nice income, but the challenge isn’t
there any longer.  Any suggestions for me?

A:  My first thought is–what do you wish you were doing that you
aren’t?  Do you have a hobby, interest or passion that has always
been there for you that you haven’t had time to develop?  It doesn’t
sound like you want to change careers, but if you could add a focus
to your life that you haven’t had time for, this may give you the
extra “oomph” that you’re looking for.  And sometimes this other
thing turns into a second income, mission or direction.  In other
words, ask yourself “If I could wave a magic wand, and do anything
I wanted regardless of income or circumstance, what would it be?”
You will get some interesting answers.
1.  Every S.O.B. needs to be assertive which means standing up for
your rihts without infringing on the rights of others.
2.  Posture communicates health, vigor, alertness and interest, so
never slouch or prop up on a table or chair,
3.  Hop out of bed with energy and enthusiasm and make sure when you
look in the mirror it’s with a smile.
Be sure to let me know about the article!!

Posted on: April 4, 2011

Filed under: General

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