Recognizing Spunky Old Broad Day
23rd August, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
We were quite fortunate last week on getting a mention in The Orlando Sentinel. They were doing a piece on unusual "holidays" and came across "Spunky Old Broad Day" in Chase’s Calendar of Events. They thought it quite unusual, so called me and asked for a quote. Nice publicity and a rewarding feeling for me who thinks all women over 50 should be recognized.
My radio show for Entrepreneur Magazine "Women in Business" continues to be received quite well, and the women I am interviewing are exceptional. If there is any commonality at all, it’s the fact that they have all made it through unbelievable odds. None of them made excuses, if they hit a barrier, they either went through it or around it, and just kept persisting until they got where they wanted to go. And when they were there, they continued to morph and progressl
I am looking forward to this Labor Day weekend when I can catch up on long lost chores, see a movie and get ready for a heavy fall season. My gym is closed over the weekend for renovations, so I’m working out at home. Although I do it very well, I miss the classes because they push me just a little bit more.
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