Sad Weekend From The Spunky Old Broad
24th May, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
May 24, 2010
It was an emotional weekend. Many of you know that my mom passed away six months ago, and yesterday was the unveiling of her headstone. Because she is buried in Albany, New York, we didn’t do it earlier because of the winter, and then it became a time when all of us (nieces, nephews, their kids etc.) could have the same weekend to do it. And yesterday was it. I flew to Syracuse where my sister and her family live and then we drove into Albany, had the ceremony and lunch with everyone and friends, and drove back. One of my friends that I’ve known since kindergarten was there as well, as we still see each other every year when she comes to Naples, FL in the winter and I used to take my mom with me to see her when I went. We had lunch, slept at her apartment etc., so she felt very connected to my mother and was appreciative we had included her. We also met with my mother’s next door neighbor and her kids (of course all grown up by now) who I’ve known for over 60 years. It was moving and beautiful and shows just how important keeping old relationships alive can be, and why we should be taking the time to do just that. I head back home tomorrow and will see my beloved animals once again. They are pure love and joy.
Question and Answer:
Q: I really like having the freedom of working from home. After so many years in an office setting, it’s like being reborn. But I miss the friendships and company of people around me. Am I being paranoid?
A: No, it’s a completely normal reaction. Although I know you were extremely competent at your job, you still valued looking up and seeing friendly faces and it does take some adjustment, but think of the benefits. You can work flexible hours, when you do work you can concentrate with no interruptions (unless you allow them), you control what and when you do it, and eventually you will probably figure out how to make all of this work more efficiently and effectively for you. You will also be able to space things out so that you can take an afternoon or day or even a mini-vacation when you want to. You should also be thinking of pricing your services not according to the time you spend, but the value you provide. Then you take the projects you really want to do and not the ones you don’t. If you miss the company, set up lunch or coffee breaks with people you want to see a few times a week, and use them as sounding boards, relaxation or for a good laugh. All of a sudden, you’re in a routine and loving it. Enjoy and good luck!
1. Always make sure you have a good breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day. It primes your body and gives you energy.
2. Make sure you get a few laughs in every single day. It gives off great endorphins and adds to the momentum of your body and day.
3. Find one thing every day to be thankful for and know how much better off you are than many people in the world.
Remember: if you have a question for me, email it to [email protected] and if you are looking for resources to help you in your day and life, go to my website at
Tags: funerals, Mothers, SOB, Spunky Old Broad, Women over 50
Posted on: May 24, 2010
Filed under: General
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