Spunky Old Broad | Women Over 40
11th April, 2011 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
April 11, 2011
This past week was a favorite in getting together with my favorite people. I had lunch on several days with friends I hadn’t seen for a while and it was great. I also went to a TCI luncheon and there are some of the most amazing
women there that I know you all would love to meet. I also went up to the Museum of Modern Art in Ft. Lauderdale to see the Vatican Splendours and then to a lecture and reception sponsored by Nova and the museum. Fabulous as well.
Took one of my cats and my dog in for their shots. Now this cat (Diva) says nothing. I’m not even sure she has a “meow”
but when I tried to get her into the cage, all six pounds of her resisted. I finally had to turn the cage on its end and
put her in from the top. She screamed the entire way to and from the vet, so for sure she has a voice when she wants it.
Luckily both are doing well. Saw “Arthur” and although I still prefer the Dudley Moore
version (would you believe there are people now who don’t even know who he is), I think everyone did a good job and it was
very entertaining. Then on Sunday I took a new exercise class with bands on your
shoes. An interesting idea and one that really works your upper body.
Heading off to San Diego with Abby in tow on Wednesday.
Question and Answer:
Q: I live a most ordinary life. I have a good job, am happily married with two kids, and am active in some community
activities. Lately I’ve been thinking I should be doing more. Is it wrong to be satisfied with how things are?
A: Do you know how lucky you are? There are so many people out there who complain about everything and anything. If you
are happy with the things and people in your life, consider yourself quite fortunate. Should you have other goals and
interests in your life? Of course. But only if you want them and they give you pleasure, not because someone else tells you
that you should. Having goals or learning new skills is stimulating and it gives you something to look forward to. When
and if it becomes too stressful, then you can cut back
1. Use a one page calendar of an entire month so you’ll know when you have appointments, will be out of town or have free time.
2. When you laugh, endorphins are released into your body that give you energy and spirit.
3. Put like tawks together. They’ll flow more smoothly and give you additional time.
Feature Article:
There is NO magic formula for staying healthy. But there is a
magic formula to health and energy. And the first part of that
formula is the burning desire to be fit!
You can’t kid yourself into eating right or getting your body
moving. It is a total commitment. And guess what the big
payoff is—-YOU!
So let’s begin and see how you measure up.
1. PREVENTION: You won’t get where you want to go if you
don’t monitor your health care. Be sure you take every
preventive screening you can. It is easier to prevent
something at the beginning than after it has spread.
2. MONITOR YOUR BODY CLOCK: Everyone has a different pace.
Some are up all night, falling asleep only when the dawn
breaks. Others are out like a light by 9 p.m. and are
awake, moving and doing by 6 a.m. The only thing that
makes it right or wrong is what works for you, and if
there are any obligations you have to meet at certain hours.
Remember to do your worst tasks at your best time and your
best tasks at your worst time.
3. LIVE A STRUCTURE: Even though it might seem boring, the
more you structure your day, the more you’ll get done, the
easier it will become, and the less stress will result.
The whole point of structure and planning is to include the
things that are important to you. It gives you the time to
eat right, get your exercise in, and do the deeds that are
important to you. You begin to sail through each day,
accomplishing more and more, and having the energy to do it.
4. MOVE: Whether that’s yoga or pilates, kick-boxing, stretching,
walking/hiking, biking, weight training or anything else.
You must do it every day. Some people say 30 minutes a day,
three times a week, but that just doesn’t cut it. You need
to do something each and every day, especially at this point
in your life. The intensity depends on your fitness goals,
but you need cardio for your heart, stretching for flexibility
and weight training for bone density.
5. DIET: An ugly word and one that doesn’t really work or we
wouldn’t have 137 different ones! What I mean here is a way of
eating to make you feel good, keep you at your desired weight
and know that you will always fit your clothes. You need to
be aware of how many calories you should eat on a daily basis
that will be burned up (3500 calories equal one pound) and that
may vary on how active you are. Of course, the food must be
healthy, can be vegan, can be ethnic, can be anything, as long
as it isn’t loaded with sugar, fat and worthless calories.
6. BE HAPPY: Health has a lot to do with being happy. If you
laugh a lot, have a wonderful attitude towards life, enjoy your
friends and family and have a positive impact on something or
someone every day, you will find yourself smiling a majority of
the time. When you smile, you can’t grit your teeth, and if
you can’t grit your teeth, you won’t get mad.
7. DON’T SMOKE, DRINK OR TAKE DRUGS: What? I know you aren’t a
teenager, but you still may be doing these bad habits. You and
your clothes smell and repel. It’s hard to make friends when
you reek of smoke. A glass of wine every day is fine and may
even be recommended by your doctor, but if you become addicted
and need that “drink,” it’s time to stop. The only drugs you
should take are by prescription, and then every doctor and your
pharmacist should be aware of all of them so there is no interaction.
Well, there you are. The magic formula for staying healthy and
energizing your life. Nothing super duper or fancy, but it all works.
My wish for you is a fantastic long happy and healthy life.
Only you can make it happen and I want to be there to help you.
Posted on: April 11, 2011
Filed under: General
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