Spunky Old Broad | Midlife Crisis Coach | Women Over 40

29th August, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

August 29,2011

What a week! Many of us have lived through Hurricane Irene and did
better than others. I was supposed to go to Boiling Springs, PA but
had my flight cancelled (I was flying into Baltimore) and the way
they re-routed me would have made me late for my ride connection.
So I missed the Veteran Speakers Retreat where I was named a
“Legend of the Speaking Profession” a couple of years ago, but
I’ll be there next year.

I needed the time here anyway as there was only one day between
my return from San Diego and the VSR. San Diego was wonderful and
the weather perfect. I had so many business meetings along with
dinners and lunches with friends. I adore it there and the people
are so much calmer than here in Miami Beach. We are always moving
on while they look at things in a much more spiritual way.

I also had a chance to catch up with my college roomie who has had
some health challenges. We had lunch and enjoyed sitting outdoors
with Abby and watching all the other people and dogs going by.

I thought I would have a lot more to report, but with the cancellation
of the trip, I merely read a 250 page book, watched a two and half
hour video I was doing for homework, worked out, played with the
pets and tried to get ready for my relatives who were supposed to
arrive today.

Well, that didn’t happen as their planes got cancelled so just one
came for a business conference and is staying at the hotel since
she’s alone. Am seeing her for dinner later in the week and will
catch up on family events

If any of you are up in the northeast, especially Vermont, please
know we are all thinking of you and as Floridians can really appreciate
what you are going through. Our thoughts are with you and hope things
get settled for you soon.
Question and Answer:

Q: You seem to run on a pretty even keel. I seem to have ups and downs
and don’t always handle them in the best way. Do you have any tips on
how to become a little more placid?

A: I was raised to face things as they come and deal with them. So
that has made me be able to understand that things happen which are not
always ideal, But I must tell you I have mellowed as I’ve aged and also
realized that I create a lot of the drama around me. So I have become
a lot more spiritual and in tune with what’s vibrating around me. I also
know there are a lot of things going on around me that I don’t control
so why get upset about them. You have to be able to let go when you
need to and take charge when it is appropriate. Find something to center
yourself on and take a deep breath. Other than death and taxes, you can
get through anything.

1. Use the travel time in your car for education.
2. Keep your emotional bank account full.It takes five positive deposits
to counteract one negative.
3. Be your own catalyst. Recharge and renew yourself so you’ll feel
good and ready when adventure drops by.

THE 13 KEYS TO BEING A SPUNKY OLD BROAD (but I am only giving you 7 this

You want the quick down and dirty tips to being a Spunky Old Broad? Well,
here they are!

1. Understand Yourself: What are your strengths? What are your
weaknesses? Where do you need help? Who should be on your team?
What will never appeal to you? You can add your own questions.
Look at your answers and then analyze them. If you can see them
with neutrality, you will discover a lot about yourself.
2. Hang Around Positive People and Positive Events: Be sure you see
the glass as half-full and not half-empty. Make up your mind right
now that you will change the influences in your life so you can see
through clearer, more positive lenses. Surround yourself with folks
who are motivating, enthusiastic and happy and you become that same way.
3. Start Now to be Who You Want To Be: Be real. Never try to be who
you are not. If you wrote your obituary right now, what would it say?
Who would have enriched your life? Can someone say that about you?
Think about where you want to be 12 months from now and don’t let
anyone stop you.
4. Be Assertive, Not Aggressive: Assertiveness is appropriate behavior
for the situation at hand. It’s standing up for your rights without
infringing on the rights of other people. It’s “I’ll do what makes me
happy, as long as it doesn’t hurt you or society.”
5. Prevention is the Key to Good Health: To get the most out of being an
S.O.B. you have to feel your best. Fitness is not only about looking
good, it’s about energy. Nothing is more important than your health.
If you don’t have the ability to get through the day, it’s going to be
difficult to accomplish what you want to. Early detection is critical,
so don’t put your head in the sand and think you won’t have to worry
about anything.
6. Fire Up your S.O.B. Spirit: Don’t ever quit. Be sure to get immense
joy and pleasure out of what you do. Make a difference, and because
you are sassy and “mature” you can get away with a lot more than ever
before. Spirit evolves one step at a time so take it slow and easy.
Just remember that fun is a part of spirit too.
7. Find Your Balance: It’s equally important to be flexible and to have
a routine. By scheduling the things you must do, you can take advantage
of the things you want to do. Balance means whatever works for you in
your situation and circumstances. You can be busy all or some of the
time. You make the choice–no one else has the right to make it for you.

Posted on: August 29, 2011

Filed under: General

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