Spunky Old Broad | Women Over 40 | Gayle Carson
25th April, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments
April 25,2011
Wow–what a week. Remember I told you about the problem with bleeding on my chest, well–I went to the doctor on Thursday and he took one look at me and said “You’re going into surgery immediately.” Although he didn’t know the specifics until he went in, it turns out my implant from 1988 (they are only supposed to last 10 years which I didn’t know) had totally burst and was leaking silicone into my chest. I thought it was saline, but evidently it was a combo of saline and silicone (the old style) and little clumps of silicone had been forming in my chest for quite a while. He said he didn’t know how I had been walking around with no symptoms much less working out two hours a day. Anyway. it is out, I am carting around a “blood bag” for drainage and go back to see him on Tuesday. This is probably more than any of you wanted to know, but I keep you informed just so that you may learn from my experiences.
Since I can’t go anywhere, I have been watching a lot of old movies on TV. They are delightful and so much more interesting than most of what’s out there now. Some I have seen before, but I have enjoyed them all over again.
And of course, Dylan and Abby are thrilled I’ve been home all the time. Diva still hasn’t forgiven me for not being here this past week. She has spent her time downstairs and hasn’t come up to the bedroom yet. Dylan spends most of his time on my lap or by my side, and Abby just follows me from place to place.
Guess that’s it for now–not an eventful week except for my “incident.”
Question and Answer:
Q: There is so much bad news every day that it makes me become unmotivated to try anything new because I think that it really won’t make a difference. What can I do to get myself started again short of sitting on a firecracker?
A: You don’t have to be that dramatic, but just remember, one person can make a difference. If you decide you want to volunteer somewhere or come up with a new invention that people need, or develop a new process for your company, you indeed are making a contribution and a big difference in people’s lives. If every person decided to do just one thing for someone or something else every day, think of the impact they would have. You just need to get yourself in a different environment and start observing the things around you that you have the power to change. You will be amazed at the opportunities you will find.
1. Thank anyone for anything they do for you, large or small.
2. Your approach to life, your attitude, generally determines the way you see your world.
3. The best way to stop worrying and start living is to take things one day at a time.
Feature Story:
When you hit 50, you deserve all the joy, satisfaction and contentment possible. Up to now, you have made major sacrifices and contributions and you should enjoy the very best life has to offer. This also means it’s time for you to accept complete responsibility for every aspect of your health and happiness. So you are now the architect of your own destiny.
First, look at how you think. Is your first impression always positive or is it negative? If you are positive, you keep your eye on what you want and ways to get it. You usually see the good and usually have more energy as well.
Next, you keep yourself physically fit. You find the exercise that works for you and you do it every day. It can be split up at intervals or do it all at once. Just make sure you get your cardio going for at least 30 minutes and then add strength training and stretching for flexibility.
Third, become involved in something–a hobby, community, family or volunteering. It will keep you sharp and stimulated. You will meet new people and also find a way to put old skills to work as well as learning new ones.
Fourth, manage your time. You may think you have all the time in the world if you’re retired, or since the kids may be gone, that evenings and weekends are free. But in truth, everyone needs a schedule. If you don’t have one, the minutes and hours will just melt away.
Fifth, try learning a new language, write a book, or go back and take some classes that you never had a chance to before. You’d be surprised how excited you can get at a new project. It spurs your energy, stimulates your mind and reminds you of how powerful you still are.
Last, make sure you eat properly. Watch your diet, don’t eat too many rich foods, concentrate on high fiber, fruits and vegetables and shrink your portions. Take the supplements you need and your medications on time and properly.
If you do all of the above you will have the most wonderful life you can imagine. And most important, you will continue to have impact and influence on the people in your life.
Posted on: April 25, 2011
Filed under: General
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