Spunky Old Broad | Women over 40 | Gayle Carson
15th August, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments
August 15, 2011
Here it is a gloomy, rainy afternoon in South Florida. We are known
for our afternoon thunderstorms and have certainly had our share in
the last few weeks. But I keep a positive attitude and look at my
precious animals and everything is sunny again.
Became part of a customer advisory board for AvMed Health Plan which
has been my plan forever. They are really interested in what we have
to say and what our feelings are. I am hoping to make a big contribution
and have an impact.
Abby is doing great and I had her clipped. I swear she has lost a
pound with the hair we had taken off, but the vet says she has gained
a pound from all the meds she is taking. But she’s as peppy as ever,
so I don’t care. She hates these thunderstorms however, and is chicken
whenever they start and hides in corners.
I started cleaning again because my son will be moving in in less than
two months and we have to get the rooms straightened out. I have so
much “stuff” and I am still not willing to part with a great deal of
it. Let me suggest to all of you that you start weeding out those things
you really don’t need any more because if you don’t, if you ever have to
move or condense, it won’t be easy.
Had an article accepted for Palm Beach Woman and also the online pub
Women Conect Online. If any of you need an article for one of your pubs
or have a womens group that would like me as a speaker, please let me
Question and Answer:
Q: Sometimes I think I like living in the past rather than the ways
things are now. I know it is much easier keeping in touch and we have
more accessibility everywhere, but it seems things were much calmer in
days gone by and not as erratic. I know I can’t go back but it sure
would make my life a lot easier. Any suggestions as to how to get on
the track right now.
A: We all have a little bit of nostalgia. I remember my mom talking
about what it was like “back then” and I remember all the good times
of the 50′s and 60′s. But we are here and now, and all of those things
go into making who we are at this moment. It might not be pleasant waking
up and hearing all the bad news and pessimism, but we all have to face
reality and learn to deal with it. Everyone has the same issues so if
we can be a little ahead of everyone else, we are seen as the positive
messengers. What I would suggest is taking inventory of all the good
things happening in your life and appreciating the fact that you can
be in touch with whoever you’d like in the snap of a finger.
1. Pick an exercise program that works for you and stick with it. Be
sure you enjoy whatever exercise you choose.
2. Age disappears whent there are things to do, friends to share
with, and a progression in our daily living.
3. Do things that bring joy to your soul.
There is NO magic formula for staying healthy. But there is a magic
formula to health and energy. And the first part of that formula is
the burning desire to be fit!
You can’t kid yourself into eating right or getting your body moving.
It is a total commitment. And guess what the big payoff is—-YOU!
So let’s begin and see how you measure up.
1. PREVENTION: You won’t get where you want to go if you don’t monitor
your health care. Be sure you take every preventive screening you can.
It is easier to prevent something at the beginning than after it has spread.
2. MONITOR YOUR BODY CLOCK: Everyone has a different pace. Some are up
all night, falling asleep only when the dawn breaks. Others are out like
a light by 9 p.m. and are awake, moving and doing by 6 a.m. The only
thing that makes it right or wrong is what works for you, and if there
are any obligations you have to meet at certain hours. Remember to do
your worst tasks at your best time and your best tasks at your worst time.
3. LIVE A STRUCTURE: Even though it might seem boring, the more you
structure your day, the more you’ll get done, the easier it will become,
and the less stress will result. The whole point of structure and planning
is to include the things that are important to you. It gives you the time
to eat right, get your exercise in, and do the deeds that are important
to you. You begin to sail through each day, accomplishing more and more,
and having the energy to do it.
4. MOVE: Whether that’s yoga or pilates, kick-boxing, stretching,
walking/hiking, biking, weight training or anything else. You must do it
every day. Some people say 30 minutes a day, three times a week, but that
just doesn’t cut it. You need to do something each and every day,
especially at this point in your life. The intensity depends on your
fitness goals, but you need cardio for your heart, stretching for
flexibility and weight training for bone density.
5. DIET: An ugly word and one that doesn’t really work or we wouldn’t have
137 different ones! What I mean here is a way of eating to make you feel
good, keep you at your desired weight and know that you will always fit
your clothes. You need to be aware of how many calories you should eat
on a daily basis that will be burned up (3500 calories equal one pound)
and that may vary on how active you are. Of course, the food must be
healthy, can be vegan, can be ethnic, can be anything, as long as it
isn’t loaded with sugar, fat and worthless calories.
6. BE HAPPY: Health has a lot to do with being happy. If you laugh a lot,
have a wonderful attitude towards life, enjoy your friends and family and
have a positive impact on something or someone every day, you will find
yourself smiling a majority of the time. When you smile, you can’t grit
your teeth, and if you can’t grit your teeth, you won’t get mad.
7. DON’T SMOKE, DRINK OR TAKE DRUGS: What? I know you aren’t a teenager,
but you still may be doing these bad habits. You and your clothes smell
and repel. It’s hard to make friends when you reek of smoke. A glass
of wine every day is fine and may even be recommended by your doctor,
but if you become addicted and need that “drink,: it’s time to stop.
The only drugs you should take are by prescription, and then every
doctor and your pharmacist should be aware of all of them so there
is no interaction.
Well, there you are. The magic formula for staying healthy and energizing
your life. Nothing super duper or fancy, but it all works.
My wish for you is a fantastic long happy and healthy life. Only you can
make it happen and I want to be there to help you.
Posted on: August 15, 2011
Filed under: General
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