Thanksgiving with The Spunky Old Broad
22nd November, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
November 22, 2010
I just spent Sunday starting to clean out my office because I
am slowly going to transition into my house. Well, can you
imagine what I am beginning to find going through 40 years of
“stuff.” I can’t believe how prolific I was. Not only did
I write and create tons of material, but I was chair of more
committees than anyone should ever have access to. I also had
more projects going than one human should ever attempt. It
makes me feel as if I’m now standing still.
My son told me I should be enjoying life now, and not worry
about what was, and that I should be proud of everthing I’ve
done. Well, I am, but I also want to be doing so much more.
I have filled our recyling bin and just did one small portion.
It will probably take a full year before it’s all organized, but
oh boy, when it is done, peace should prevail.
Had my second mastermind meeting with my group of women friends
and I think it is amazing how women can be so smart and so
spiritual at the same time. That’s what gives us the edge in
dealing with people and personalities, and why I firmly believe
we’d be in much better shape if we had more ladies at the top.
Thanksgiving is coming this week and I have 14 people expected.
I don’t cook, I cater, so it isn’t that bad, I do end up as the
dishwasher however, and that’s an hour at least with all the dishes
amd people. But my daughter and granddaughter are a big help,
and seeing friends and family on this special day means everything.
This was my husband’s favorite holiday, and he always opened our
home to everyone, so we continue the tradition. You have a great
Question and Answer:
Q: The kids are gone, and it’s just my husband and I, and I’m
thinking of moving into a condo or at least a smaller home. But
I have so much stuff and it isn’t easy to leave everything that’s
familiar. How do you make such a choice?
A: First of all, how does your husband feel about this? If he
is definitely against the move, you might table it for right now.
If he is as confused as you are, then you have to ask yourself some
questions. Is it becoming harder to take care of your home? Do
you think you’d be comfortable in a smaller space? Do you need all
your “stuff” or is it just what you’ve collected over time? How
much time do you spend at home and in what room are you most often?
Will you feel comfortable in that space? Believe it or not, I spend
most of my time in my bedroom, both in Miami Beach and San Diego.
I write in bed, read in bed, watch TV in bed, and very rarely am
in the living room, Florida room or den. So start watching your
habits and see what works for the two of you. And for you others
who are reading this, start thinking that way as well.
1. You have the ability to make the world a much better place
through everything you do, the choices you make, the decisions you
reach and how you feel about yourself. Make yourself proud.
2. Listen to others and match their processing styles. Are they
visual, auditory or kinesthetic?
3. Keeping yourself strong and prepared for the bad stress that
will inevitably present itself, is ther key to survival.
We are starting a series of teleseminars. Please email me at to let me know if you would like to be part
of them.
Tags: driven women, SOB, Spunky Old Broad, Women over 50
Posted on: November 22, 2010
Filed under: General
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