Gayle Carson After Thanksgiving

29th November, 2010 - Posted by admin - No Comments

November 29, 2010

Well, Thanksgiving is over and I can tell you, with 14 people and
no dishwasher (a long story) I personally did the dishes and it
took 2 1/2 hours.  But it’s a tradition and since I don’t cook,
I am the designated washer.  It was wonderful being with friends
and family, but missed my dear hubby!

And then Saturday was our anniversary.  I went out to dinner with
another couple who were married in November and with whom I’ve
been friends for over 50 years.  She was a student of mine way
back when, and we are still friends and confidantes.  While I
wish Norm could have been with us physically, I know he was there
in spirit and love.  I tell you, he was one in a million and I
know how lucky I was to have him all those years.

I also went to see “Burlesque” over the weekend, and although the
critics panned it, I of course loved it because of the music, the
dancing, the wonderful bodies and because it made me smile.  When
I go to the movies, I want to be entertained, not gotten into a
deep thought process.  It may be surface stuff, but it makes me
forget all the “trouble and worry” out there.

Met with another couple who are great networkers and while I was
dining with them, who should be going from table to table in all
his fine splendour but Dennis Rodman.  It was quite something to
see as he sat down with people whether they wanted him to or not.

Well hope you are all recovered from the eating and drinking and
have settled into another week of work, life and bliss.  It’s
going to be hard from this point on keeping those pounds off so
watch yourself.  I continue to do my daily workouts, aches and
all, so do whatever you can and be happy about it!
Question and Answer:

Q:  Sometimes I feel like my life is totally out of control and
that I can’t do anything to change it.  I start out with a plan
or goal for the day, and then everything goes haywire.  Any

A:  Welcome to the real world.  There are things and people who
continually try to distract you and you have to be ready for them.
That’s why your plan has to have your A#1 priority at the top of
the list.  By that, I mean that if you get nothing done but that
one thing, your day will have been a success.  Of course, there
will be non-consequential things that come up in the day that may
have to be taken care of, but nothing replaces that A#1.  You must
be able to look back at the end of the day and know you stuck to
your path.  You also might start paying attention to the people
and/or things that sidetrack you, and see how important they
really are.  You will probably find its the same people taking
you off course and things you probably should have delegated
that are crimping your style.
1.  Divide your time into segments.  Slice and dice things into
5 to 15 minute intervals.
2.  Make sure what you are doing leads to where you want to go.
(See the Q and A above).
3.  Perfectionism isn’t necessary.  Most of the time good is
good enough.

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