23rd August, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
We were quite fortunate last week on getting a mention in The Orlando Sentinel. They were doing a piece on unusual "holidays" and came across "Spunky Old Broad Day" in Chase’s Calendar of Events. They thought it quite unusual, so called me and asked for a quote. Nice publicity and a rewarding feeling for me who thinks all women over 50 should be recognized.
My radio show for Entrepreneur Magazine "Women in Business" continues to be received quite well, and the women I am interviewing are exceptional. If there is any commonality at all, it’s the fact that they have…
16th August, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
August 16, 2010
Saw “Eat, Love and Pray” last night and enjoyed it but it was long.
This is my synopsis of what I got out of it. We create our own
balance and our own environment. We can look for answers everywhere
and there certainly are “wise men/women” out there, but ultimately
it is up to us (you and I) and we can find it anywhere. I haven’t
read the book however, so that might be totally different.
Also went up to Palm Beach and saw a blues type…
10th August, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
August 10, 2010
I’m a day late this week because I just came back from Grand
Haven, Michigan, my husband’s home town. And today is his
birthday, so it’s a double event. His best friend called
today and said he would never forget his birthday and said
he’ll continue to call even though he’s gone. It’s nice to
have those kinds of friends.
We had a fantabulous time, and by we, I mean my son, daughter,
granddaughter, and great-grandson. We arrived Thursday night
and had pizza at Fricano’s which was my husband’s favorite.
4th August, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
Went to a party yesterday where everyone who attended was a baby boomer or beyond. And yet, a very diverse group. Singles, gays, long time married, widows, divorcees–and all got along great. Why? Because everyone is now beyond worrying about long held "traditions" and "beliefs." All were intelligent, hard working (or had been), enthusiastic, interested and interesting people. It is so nice when people can get together, have a good time, make new friends, and learn a lot about new interests that other people have.
Also attended a networking group I belong to where the Executive Director passed away, and…
1st August, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
August 1, 2010
Here it is the first of August and summer is almost over. I’ve
had such a busy travel schedule , that I’ve blinkedand missed
most of it. I must admit that some of the placesI’ve been and
things I’ve done have been fantastic so I’m notcomplaining, but
still—-I was just waiting for the summer so I could relax and
not be on a constant treadmill. Well, so much for that.
I head up to Grand Haven, Michigan this week with the whole gang
in tow, to see my husband’s…
26th July, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - 5 Comments
Monday, July 26, 2010
I’m here in San Diego where the weather is beautiful and just the right temperature. I love coming here every month and it serves as a respite for me even though I do a lot of work here and meet with a lot of friends and peers. Abby enjoys it as well as she barks at people from the balcony, goes out in the courtryard for her sunning, and generally has a grand old time.
I mentioned I was at the NSA convention last week, and I really enjoyed myself even though it was my 30th!…
21st July, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
March 21, 2011
What a week! Have spent it in Santa Clara attending the Brendon Burchard program on Experts. He really is a bundle of energy and has so many great thoughts and skills that my mind is bursting at the seams. All good to stimulate the mind and make you realize how much more there is to learn and explore.
Weather was cold and rainy but I didn’t get out of the hotel very much so it didn’t matter. However, sunshine still makes my world go round so I will be glad to get back to Miami Beach. There…
19th July, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
July 19. 2010
Here I am in Orlando at the National Speakers Association convention. This is my 30th in a row and as my husband would have said “Don’t you know it yet?” But I must tell you these are the most creative, bright people you’d want to meet in one spot and there are new ideas flying back and forth like crazy. I already have at least 5 new ones written down and of course now the thing is to implement them. I also had the honor of being elected as a Life Member of the Florida Speakers Association…
12th July, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
July 12, 2010
Well, I’m back from the Chautauqua Institution, and it was a
wonderful week, although a very warm one. I worked out every
day in the gym which wasn’t air conditioned, and it was like
being in a sweat box. How we all survived, I don’t know, but
I was one solid bit of wet when I was done.
The speakers were magnificent and made me want to mentor and
teach even more. The people who go to these lectures are quite
enlightened and posed great questions that had a lot of…
5th July, 2010 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments
July 5, 2010
Happy Fourth of July everyone. I have had a whirlwind 7 days so far, and I am at the Chautauqua Institution for the week on Ethics and Leadership, two topics very close to my heart. For those of you who don’t know anything about the Institution, it’s where lectures began in the late 1800’s. It is well known for art, politics, dance, music etc and each week has a different theme. I am here with my sister and brother-in-law and we have heard from some distinguished people so far including David Brooks, of the NY Times and…
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