22nd August, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments
August 22, 2011
This is my last day in San Diego. It has been fantastic. I always feel so much at peace here and it connects with me on a whole new level.
While here, I have been so busy with friends and meetings and Abby and I have been on the go. All of it is good however, because I have an energy here that never stops. When I arrived, after I did my grocery shopping and took care of Abby, I was off to the local GKIC meeting. John Assaraf was speaking and he was talking directly to me that night. I was also introduced as the person who had come the farthest.
Then the next day I was at a Women’s Wisdom meeting and the program was wonderful. I’m going to another one this evening before leaving in the morning. Thursday was a working day but lots of positive things happened so it was invigorating. On Friday I met with someone I know from 20 years ago, and we will be doing an interview in the near future. Had lunch with another friend who booked me for speeches many years ago, and on Saturday went to…
15th August, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments
August 15, 2011
Here it is a gloomy, rainy afternoon in South Florida. We are known
for our afternoon thunderstorms and have certainly had our share in
the last few weeks. But I keep a positive attitude and look at my
precious animals and everything is sunny again.
Became part of a customer advisory board for AvMed Health Plan which
has been my plan forever. They are really interested in what we have
to say and what our feelings are. I am hoping to make a big contribution
and have an impact.
Abby is doing great and I had her clipped. I swear she has lost a
pound with the hair we had taken off, but the vet says she has gained
a pound from all the meds she is taking. But she’s as peppy as ever,
so I don’t care. She hates these thunderstorms however, and is chicken
whenever they start and hides in corners.
I started cleaning again because my son will be moving in in less than
two months and we have to get the rooms straightened out. I have so
much “stuff” and…
8th August, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments
August 8, 2011
Had a wonderful time at the Coral Springs Chamber of Commerce
Professional Women’s Alliance. What a powerful and dynamic
group of fabulous women (and men too!). Very warm and receiving.
I still believe women are a powerful force in this world and
can make a tremendous difference in everything they do.
Went to my networking group of business people and of course
you know what was on the plate. Economy, shrinking membership,
what should we do mentality. But everyone is facing it and we
all have to pull together and figure it out. These are all good
people who are trying to make it better for their peers and of
course our leaders in D.C. aren’t making it any easier.
Then had dinner with a good friend who is still in demand even
though she’s older than I am and of course that gets me inspired,
motivated and turned on all over again. Her brain is functioning
at the highest level and she never stops.
Met with another friend the next day for lunch and she is doing
great things…
1st August, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments
August 1, 2011
The beginning of the eighth month already. My how time flies when you’re
having fun!
I spent 4 days in Philly, 3 of them taking Steve Harrison’s Publicity
Workshop. Very interesting and informative. Although I do have to say
I knew a lot of what he suggested, it is always great to rediscover things
you’ve stopped doing and to re-evaluate how it’s working. Most of all
for me, I got some key phrases to use and some new techniques. Met my
buddy Bryan Todor for lunch and had a great conversation and discussion.
Steve was very generous in all his teachings and what he gave us. He
won a lot of fans.
My sweet Abby went into some type of seizures while I was there and my
son had her at the vets three times. She is now on medication twice
a day and seems to be doing well. So now she is taking joint medication,
throat medication and her seizure meds. Oh my, see what we do for our
loved ones!
I did an interview for a teleseminar series. It…