Women | Driven | Midlife Crisis Coach | Gayle Carson

8th August, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

August 8, 2011
Had a wonderful time at the Coral Springs Chamber of Commerce
Professional Women’s Alliance. What a powerful and dynamic
group of fabulous women (and men too!). Very warm and receiving.
I still believe women are a powerful force in this world and
can make a tremendous difference in everything they do.
Went to my networking group of business people and of course
you know what was on the plate. Economy, shrinking membership,
what should we do mentality. But everyone is facing it and we
all have to pull together and figure it out. These are all good
people who are trying to make it better for their peers and of
course our leaders in D.C. aren’t making it any easier.
Then had dinner with a good friend who is still in demand even
though she’s older than I am and of course that gets me inspired,
motivated and turned on all over again. Her brain is functioning
at the highest level and she never stops.
Met with another friend the next day for lunch and she is doing
great things as well. Both of them have movies in their future
and I believe they will get them done. It is so inspiring to know
so many people with dreams. I truly recognize the power of a
person’s mind and when they get their sights set on something, it
Then I saw “Suds” a musical at the new Stage Door Theatre at the
old Byron Carlyle Theatre. It was in the midst of a horrendous
storm and only 25 people were in the theatre so spread the word
and get people to go to see the play. I hate to see the arts not
make it when they come to a new area. And they have some great
plays coming up.
Question and Answer:
Q: I am really looking forward to retirement. But I’m not sure
how I’m going to feel when it really happens. Do you have any
suggestions or have you heard how other people have handled this?
I need to start making plans and I’m not sure where to start.
A: There have been several articles in magazines and newspapers
lately about the hazards of retirement. They have found that when
people retire and don’t have any tangible plans, they suffer heart
ailments, and generally begin to run down. I don’t believe that
has to happen if you keep yourself active and busy with exercise,
hobbies, classes, new challenges etc. But you also don’t want to
stay busy just to stay busy. That doesn’t produce results nor
give you satisfaction. I assume you want to retire because you
are either bored with your job, you are being asked to retire, or
you want to start a new phase of your life. I would take the first
few months to do all the things you’ve always wanted to do that you
didn’t have time for. If there is something that really tickles
your fancy, that might be a new goal for you. If not, make a list
of friends, opportunities and wishes and start to explore what’s
out there. When you are actively making something happen, other
opportunities open up.
1 Understand the various personalities when you attempt to lead
others, because no two people hear the same thing in the same way.
2. Knowledge of all power sources allows for a visionary agenda for
action to minimize power struggles and resolve conflicts.
3. You cannot tell someone what to do unless you give them the reasons
the job needs to be done, what the results are, what you expect of
them, when it’s due, what it should contain and why it’s necessary.


After spending most of my life coaching, consulting, training and
speaking to corporations and associations, I am now working primarily
with women over 50 who are looking for a new lease on life.
Having also discovered the nine secrets for living a regret free life,
and practicing them for a number of years, I decided I wanted to share
them with women who either didn’t feel they had achieved them, gotten
lost somewhere in their journey or needed an extra push after giving
of themselves for so long.
Secrets is a very strong word and I don’t want to give the impression
that my way is the only way. But in my focus groups, I found the
biggest question I personally seemed to get was “How do you do what
you do, with energy, focus, commitment and humor?” The second part
of that was “Why don’t you ever stop?”
So I decided to analyze what it is that I exactly do. Believe it or
not, it was not an easy task because most of what you and I do is
unconscious. They are habits we have formed over the years and settled
into most comfortably.
1. The first thing you need to do is feel good. You can’t do that
if you don’t take care of yourself. I realize many of you are in
various physical shapes, but if you do eat right, get some exercise
and take your medication properly, you will feel a whole lot better
than if you didn’t. I have met many people who are physically
disadvantaged, and get along just fine because they work at it and
do what it takes to stay there.
2. The second thing is the people you hang around with. I realize there
are those you must be around because you work with them, live with
them, are related to them or have some other internal situation.
However, those you choose to confide in, have fun with, go to for
advice or just enjoy being around are usually positive, active,
accomplished people.
3. Remember that five minutes of negative thinking takes the body 24
hours to recover from. So you need to make sure your attitude is
always positive and your spirit feisty and exciting. You are who
you are because you dare to be different and you take qualified
chances that you’ve investigated.
4. Uniqueness is next. There is no one else on earth like you. Love
it, live it, and appreciate it. Be confident in what you do and how
you do it. Enjoy the fact that you bring a personality and enthusiasm
into whatever you do with your own special brand.
5. Breathe life into everything you do. Get excited about your day,
your work, your month and your year. You must get up with a smile on
your face and joy for how you will spend the next 16 hours. It is up
to you to put energy into these hours to produce the results you want.
6. To advance and be interesting, you must also continue your own personal
growth. It can be through CD’s or DVD’s, actual classes, online learning,
reading, seminars/workshops or any number of other ways. As you learn,
you remain fresh and discover new things about yourself. As you find out
those new things, you will develop additional friendships and be amazed
at where everything will take you.
7. If you don’t control you life, someone else will. You’ve heard it before
and I’ll say it again. Goals and time management are important. You need
both small and large goals and you need a time frame that tells you exactly
how much time to spend where. It might sound regimented but you can’t get
anything done if you don’t do the above. It’s as simple as that.
8. Balance is next. This is different for everyone and changes all the time.
What was good for you 20 years ago with a family, job and all your volunteer
activities is not the same when you have an empty nest, are widowed or living
by yourself. You also may be a caretaker for elderly parents which is time
consuming and stressful.
9. Last, is your plan for daily living. If you don’t have a daily routine,
nothing gets done. You always have to have a little flexibility, but there
are certain things you must do every day just like you brush your teeth,
take a shower or eat. A friend of mine writes for an hour every day and
has several books published because of it.
It’s up to you whether you want to follow these secrets. But to be a
“Spunky Old Broad” this is how I do it. These things are simple but not
without discipline. They are easy but take focus. They are steps to be
climbed, but waiting at the top is everything you ever wanted.

Posted on: August 8, 2011

Filed under: General, Wellness

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