Women Over 50 Blog | Gayle Carson

13th June, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

June 13, 2011

Here it is a wonderful day in San Diego. I spent the weekend at a weekend seminar with Lisa Sasevich and boy, what a time! Met a lot of new people, got more clarity, made new friends, and saw transformation in the process. I am so fortunate that at this point in my life, I continue to learn, continue to get excited, and continue to grow. That’s what keeps me young in spirit and attitude.

Then on Sunday, Abby and I went to Balboa Park for the organ concert and we both enjoyed it very much. She met another cute Yorkie there, and they got along great. The events in the park are fantastic and continue to thrill visitors. More places should offer all the events they do.

I’ve gotten to the gym only once since I’m here (shame on me) but will be there every day from now on. The classes are so packed here that it’s sometimes hard to find a space. But I enjoy all the sweat so you know I will be there.

Spoke to another friend of mine today (Wayne Pickering) because it’s his birthday. We’ve been friends forever and consider ourselves…

Gayle Carson | Women Over 50 | SOB

6th June, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

June 6, 2011

I deserve congratulations! After another 10 hours, I am finally out of
my old office and into my home office. I was dripping wet because there
was no air conditioning in the old one, and I must have made 100 trips
up and down stairs. Abby made the first 25 with me and then got tired
and just looked as I was doing my work. But yea, I am done.

I did a wonderful teleseminar last week with January Jones, and also had
a great networking lunch with my Profit group. Also had two lunch
meetings and had two personal coaching sessions. Yes, this professional
coach has two coaches herself. I am always trying to learn and improve,
and love discovering new facts about myself.

Had two personal training sessions at the gym and boy, was I getting
pushed. I grunted just the way the wrestlers do on TV. But he told me
I would never get better unless I really pushed myself because I am so
used to exercising. So here I am at my ripe old age, doing unbelievable

I also had…

Spunky Old Broad | Women Over 50 | Gayle Carson

30th May, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

May 30, 2011

It’s a glorious Memorial Day in Miami Beach. Unfortunately, I am
cleaning my old office so I can officially be hunkered down in my
new home office. After spending 10 hours sweating through the job,
(my air has been transferred elsewhere) I just have about 3 more
hours and the job will be done. But it has to wait until next
weekend before I get to it again.

Had another great GKIC meeting and then on Thursday did a program
for the alumni of Nova Southeastern University (where I received
my Doctorate in 1982) on “How to Get to the Top and Stay There.”
It was very well received and I had over 20 questions from the
group. The best thing is that a few people want to have me
speak to their group.

Saturday night I went to dinner with two couples. One is someone
I went to college with 50 years ago and the other is someone that
her husband had gone to high school with and who he hadn’t seen
in 53 years. What a reunion! Amazing how long time friends

Women Over 50 | Spunky Old Broad | SOB

23rd May, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

May 23, 2011

It has been an absolutely fabulous week in San Diego. I do love the people here and all the activities that go along with them. Plus the weather has been terrific and perfect to my new body temp.

I went to a program for MPI (Meeting Professionals International) here and it was on networking. The speaker did a completely unique presentation on networking and the MPI’ers were all very welcoming. It was held at the new Hilton on the Bay, a magnificent vertically built hotel.

On Thursday, I attended a Women’s Business Conference which was also lovely. Many exhibits, 2 keynoters, and two round tables. All of the women were incredibly open and sharing. Although I didn’t learn anything new, it reminded me of some of the basics. You know when you’ve been in business as long as I have, sometimes you start skipping a few steps, and today it’s important to make sure you’re paying attention to every little detail.

Then on Friday I had lunch with two friends. One who I get together with every time I come because she is so intuitive and the other someone I’ve known since he was 20 years…

Mothers Day | Spunky Old Broad | Women Over 40

9th May, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

May 9, 2011

I hope you all had an absolutely terrific Mother’s Day Mine couldn’t have been better. My daughter and granddaughter came over with my great-grandson and made me breakfast. They gave me a wonderful cat statue that is on my desk with my other Siamese cat statues. (As a matter of fact, as I write this, my real Siamese is sitting on my desk as well). Then my son took me out for dinner. We didn’t do it as a group this year as my granddaughter was moving into a new living space as she starts school again today and this was the day she had to move! And she had straight A’s last semester so all is good.

Sitting in my new office in my home as I write this, but still have a full office to clean up after I get my drain out. Yes, it’s still in, but I’ve started working out at home and it feels great. Believe it or not, I’ve lost 13 pounds even with all this mess going on. Just have 5 more to go and I will be thrilled.

Started my spiritual coaching and am probably not the easiest student,…

Gayle Carson | Women Over 40

3rd May, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

May 3, 2011

I am one day late because I thought I would have good news for you, but I went to the doctor this morning and I still have to keep my drain in. It will be another week before it comes out. While it hasn’t stopped me from doing anything (I even got on the treadmill yesterday), it is inconvenient and uncomfortable. And I haven’t figured out how to put the drain in my workout clothes so I will probably not go to the gym and just work out at home.

Had my first video skype media interview last week, and although I had never done anything like that before, it went off without a hitch. We had to reboot once, but I did it and it went very well. Now I know I can do anything online like that without worry.

Then on to Chicago for the GKIC super conference. Had my pic taken with Kathy Ireland who is amazing. But she is so tall that even when she bent over, it looked like Mutt and Jeff. Oh well, that’s why they say “Great things come in small packages.” Lots of information given and absorbed, many new…

Spunky Old Broad | Women Over 40 | Gayle Carson

25th April, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

April 25,2011

Wow–what a week. Remember I told you about the problem with bleeding on my chest, well–I went to the doctor on Thursday and he took one look at me and said “You’re going into surgery immediately.” Although he didn’t know the specifics until he went in, it turns out my implant from 1988 (they are only supposed to last 10 years which I didn’t know) had totally burst and was leaking silicone into my chest. I thought it was saline, but evidently it was a combo of saline and silicone (the old style) and little clumps of silicone had been forming in my chest for quite a while. He said he didn’t know how I had been walking around with no symptoms much less working out two hours a day. Anyway. it is out, I am carting around a “blood bag” for drainage and go back to see him on Tuesday. This is probably more than any of you wanted to know, but I keep you informed just so that you may learn from my experiences.

Since I can’t go anywhere, I have been watching a lot of old movies on TV. They are delightful and so much…

I’m Back at Camp Again

21st April, 2011 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

I just came back from the Veteran Speakers Retreat.  This year we went to the Allenberry Resort in Boiling Springs, PA.  While it is a lovely place, and the food is to die for, once again I was at camp.  There was no cell phone coverage, at least not with AT&T, and I could only get the Internet in the main meeting room.  While we all talk about wanting to get away from it all, it is nice to be able to connect.  Also there were only 5 TV channels, no CBS or CNN, and it took a guidance course for me to understand how to turn on the TV in the first place.  The rooms were just o.k. but they had a wonderful production of “The King and I” that was strictly first class at their playhouse.

Once again, I learned how lovely travel can be.  On my way to Harrisburg, I had to connect through Atlanta.  We got stuck on the runway because of the rain, so I was late getting into Harrisburg and had everyone waiting on me.  On the way back, they closed Atlanta, so we went to Greenville to refuel and were stuck there for…

Spunky Old Broad | Gayle Carson | Women Over 40 | San Diego

18th April, 2011 - Posted by admin - No Comments

April 18, 2011

I’m here in San Diego and per usual am having a fantastic time. Went to Earth Day in Balboa Park yesterday with my dear friend Sandra Schrift and of course, Abby. Never saw so many dogs but Abby was a hit per usual. She was exhausted and slept well all night.

Going through some problems with the surgery I had months ago on my chest, so I have bandaged myself and am scheduled to see the doc when I get back on Thursday. But my bone density and blood work came back and all is o.k. Found out I am now only five feet tall. No wonder I can’t reach the overhead anymore.

Have met some fantastic women this past week–both older and younger. But the most important thing is that they are all doing wonderful things. I just wish all of you out there who think it’s too late, or may be afraid to take a chance and branch out into something new, could see how much they are glowing. It could be you.

I have been reading and writing while here. I do so much better at concentrating when I am out in this locale..…

Spunky Old Broad | Women Over 40

11th April, 2011 - Posted by gaylecarson - No Comments

April 11, 2011
This past week was a favorite in getting together with my favorite people. I had lunch on several days with friends I hadn’t seen for a while and it was great. I also went to a TCI luncheon and there are some of the most amazing
women there that I know you all would love to meet. I also went up to the Museum of Modern Art in Ft. Lauderdale to see the Vatican Splendours and then to a lecture and reception sponsored by Nova and the museum. Fabulous as well.
Took one of my cats and my dog in for their shots. Now this cat (Diva) says nothing. I’m not even sure she has a “meow”
but when I tried to get her into the cage, all six pounds of her resisted. I finally had to turn the cage on its end and
put her in from the top. She screamed the entire way to and from the vet, so for sure she has a voice when she wants it.
Luckily both are doing well. Saw “Arthur” and although I still prefer the Dudley Moore
version (would you believe…

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